vi PREFACE. data afforded by the Handbook will enable the traveller to dispense with the costly and often bewildering catalogues. The Mars and PLANS, on which the utmost care has been bestowed, will prove of material service to the tra- yeller when threading his way through the intricacies of the curious medieval cities of Belgium, or when entangled in the network of railways, rivers, and canals with which the Netherlands are overspread. Hnigurs and Distances are given in English measure- ment, and the POPULATIONS in accordance with the most re- cent census. The Horns indicated by asteris Editor has reason to consider the most comfortable and worthy of commendation; and in awarding these asterisks he has entirely disregarded the self-laudations of innkeepers and other persons of a similar class. The average charges and prices stated in the Handbook, although constantly tending to rise, will enable the traveller to form some idea of his probable expenditure. To hotel-proprietors, tradesmen, and others the Editor begs to intimate that a character for fair dealing and cour- tesy towards travellers forms the sole passport to his com- mendation, and that advertisements of every kind are strict- ly excluded from his Handbooks. ks are those which the