to Groningen. MEPPEL. 48. Route, 425 line runs vid Dalfsen, with its Gothic church and the old chateau of Rechteren, Vilsteren, Ommen (view from the Besthmenerberg), Marienberg (branch to Almelo, p. 428), Coevorden, and Emmen, From ZwouiE To Kamrzn, 8 M., railway in 18-20 minutes. — Intermediate station, Mastenbroek. Kampen (Hotel Pays-Bas, Broeder-Weg, R. 41/4-13/4, B. 3/4, D. 13/4, omn. 1/4 fl.; Dom van Keulen, Boven Nieuwstraat, similar charges; Hof von Holland, Nieuwe Markt), on the Yssel (here crossed by a bridge), near its influx into the Zuiderzee, is a quiet and clean Dutch town of 20,000 inhab., the seat of a military aca- demy and of a small Reformed theological school. The town, once a member of the Hanseatic League, was at the height of its pro- sperity in the 15th cent., before the harbour was silted up. The Koornmarkts- Poort, to the 8., one of the three ancient gateways, dates from the 14th century. The *Onurcu or Sr. NicHo- Las, or Bovenkerk, an imposing Gothic edifice of the 14th cent., with double aisles, ambulatory, and radiating chapels, contains a handsome Gothic stone pulpit and sedilia. That of St. Mary, or the Buitenkerk (Roman Catholic), dates also from the 14th century. The chief object of interest, however, is the *SrapxHuis, restored after a fire in 1543. The six statues on the facade (Charlemagne, Alexander the Great, Moderation, Fidelity, Justice, and Neigh- bourly Love) apparently date from the previous building of the 14th century. The council-room, with elaborately carved magis- trates’ seats (notably the two presidents’ chairs) by Meister Vrederick (1546), an almost ovyerladen sculptured chimney-piece by Jacob Colyn de Nole (1545), and an artistic iron trellis before one of the windows, is among the most characteristic curiosities in the country. It contains a small collection of antiquities. A later addition (1740-44) contains tapestry, portraits of stadtholders, tankards, etc. — Inthe vicinity are the Broederkerk (15th cent.), the former Minorite church, the fine Broeder-Poort, and the Tower of the Holy Ghost, built in 1649-64 by Ph. Vinckboons, as a kind of landmark between the Bovenstad and Buitenstad. To the S. of the town lies the small Romanesque church of Wilsum (42th cent.), restored in 1904. StEAmEES ply from Kampen to Amsterdam (p. 266), to Zwolle (p. 866), to Deventer and Zutphen (p. 566), and to Urk and Enkhuizen (p. 415). Beyond Zwolle the train crosses the Vecht. 51 M. Dedemsvaart (p. 424); 55 M. Staphorst. 581/o M. Meppel (Heerenlogement), a town with 11,000 inhab. and a large market. The line to Leeuwarden here turns to the left (carriages changed), that to Groningen to the right. The LeEuwARDEN Ling continues to run towards the N.; it crosses the Drentsche Hoofdvaart, and passes (6411/2 M.) Nyeveen and