52 Route 5. OUDENAARDE. Council Chamber each contains a late-Gothic chimney-piece by Peter van Schelden, while the portal of the latter, a masterpiece of wood- carving, was executed in the Renaissance style by the same artist in 1531. On the second floor are a library and a collection of coins. are res SerAS Tots Remnant p ea ae “Wagner &Débes, Leipzig On the S.W. side of the Place is the Church of St. Walburga (Rl. A, 2; recently restored), partly in the Romanesque style of the 12th cent., and partly in the Gothic style of the 14th and 45th, with a very prominent transept. The well-proportioned square tower has unfortunately been left unfinished. The interior contains paintings by De Crayer and others, the tomb of Claude Talon, and a rich poly- chrome reredos of the late Renaissance (first chapel on the N. side). The church of Notre Dame de Pamele (P1.B, 2), 6-8 min. farther to the S., on the other bank of the Scheldt, an interesting example of the transition style of the 13th cent., with later additions and an octagonal tower above the cross, has been successfully restored. It contains two sarcophagus-monuments of 1504 and 1616. From OUDENAARDE TO DEYNZE (p. 79), 11 M., steam-tramway in 12/ahr. (1 fr. 30 or 90c.). Stations: Bevere, Oyck, Wi ‘anneghem- -Lede, Cr uyshautem ; Peteghem (p. 53). — From OUDENAARDE To Movscnron. 2312 M., , railway in