208 Route 15. AERSCHOT. From Antwerp Belgium, was begun in 1425, completed in 1557, and recently judiciously restored. Three of its fine stained-glass windows were presented by Emp. Maximilian. The interior contains an altar-piece by the Master of the St. Catharine Altar at Antwerp (ca. 1510); two wings of an altar-piece by Rubens, viz. St. Francis (in the left transept) in a good landscape, and St. Clara (in the 2nd chapel to the right in the ambulatory); the ‘chasse’ of St. Gommarius (1668); and a rood-loft in the florid Flamboyant style, by Fr. Mynsheeren and J. Wischavens of Malines (4530-40). Near the church is a bronze statue of Canon David, one of the champions of the Flemish move- ment (p. xvii). To the §. is the Hof van Denemarken, where King Christian II. resided in 1524-30 after his expulsion from Den- mark, — The facades of the Browwerhuis (1720) and other houses in the market-place, and the Belfry (built on to the Hotel de Ville) with its corner-turrets (1369) are interesting. — The municipal Musrum (daily 9-4; 50c., free on Sun.), in the Rue de Malines, near the market-place, contains a library, a cabinet of en- gravings, collections of antiquities, and about 100 paintings, chiefly old masters, some of which are attributed by the catalogue to the most distinguished hands. Lierre is the junction of the Antwerp and Gladbach line (R. 16) and of a branch to Contich (p. 164). Steam-tramways to Broechem and Oostmalle (p. 167), to Rumpst (p. 163), and to Tremeloo (p. 163) and Werchter (see below). 131/5 M. Berlaer. — From (18 M.) Heyst-op-den-Berg steam- tramways run W. to Malines (p. 159), N. via Iteghem (p. 163) and Bouwel (p. 211) to Santhoven, and BK, via Boisschot, Westmeer- beek (p. 163), and Westerloo (branch to Oostmalle, p. 205) to (191/o M.) Gheel (p. 211). At Westerloo is a chateau of Count Mérode, who has established a well-known tapestry-factory here. Near Westerloo is the suppressed Premonstratensian abbey of Tongerloo. — 211/5 M. Boisschot. 261/, M. Aerschot (59 ft.; Ht. du Cygne, in the market-place, 5 R. at 2-215, B. 1/5-4, D. 2 fr.), a town with 7600 inhab., on the Demer, has a Gothic church containing a rich rood-loft and fine choir-stalls of the 15th cent, and an altar-piece by G. de Crayer. Aerschot is the junction of lines to Louvain (p. 238) and via Westmeer- beek (see above) and Worderwyck-Morckhoven to (14/2 M.) Herenthals (p. 211); and of the steam-tramways to Tirlemont and via Werchter (see above) to Haecht (p. 163). The line now follows the valley of the Demer. 321/) M. Testelt, with the fine Premonstratensian abbey of Averbode, founded in 1130 (large library), — 341/, M. Sichem (69 ft.) has an attractive church and still retains one of its ancient towers. A branch-railway (2%/. M., in 10 min.) runs hence to Montaigu, with the baroque pilgrimage- church of Notre Dame de Montaigu, built in 1609 from W. Coe- berger’s designs by the regents Albert and Isabella (p. xxiv; rich treasury). A steam -tramway runs from Sichem to Moll (p. 242).