998 Route 23. . LIEGE. From Mechlin Denis, ete., are by J. B. Capronmer ; the marble statues of the B. V. and S. Denis on either side of the high altar by J. Delcour. In the N. trans. are a statue of the B. V. with Dead Christ in her lap of XIII cent. and an exquisitely carved reredos of XV cent., the wings of which are unfortunately lost; the upper compart ments repr. 6 scenes from the Passion of Christ; the lower ones the Baptism of S. Denis and his wife by S. Paul at Damascus ; his preaching ; consecration as Bp.; interview with the Pope and Martyrdom. Here is also a painting of the Martyrdom of §. Denis hy J. W. Carlier, The Organ here is good. In the Tower hangs the famous old hell Henry, formerly in the Cathedral of §. Lambert, and which figures more than once in the history of Liege. S. James’ (S. Jacques); the first stone of the original edifice was laid, 26 Apr. 1016, by Bp. Baldric IL who consecrated it in 4030; the W. Tower, the lower part of which is square and the upper octagonal, was erected by Abbat Drugo, 1163-73; the body of the church was rebuilt 1313-38; it isa 3 aisled edifice with apsidal choir, having small projecting chapels but no ambulatory; there is ouly one trans., on the N.; the dimensions are, length, 969 ft.; hreadth, 98 ft.; height, 68 ft.; depth of N. trans., 19 ft. 8 in. The nave is separated from the aisles by reeded pillars, destitute of capitals, which support elegantly fringed arches; above these are large mullioned windows filled with stained glass, 1520-40, which is remarkably fine for the period; a network screen, spread over the lower part, forms a quasi-triforium ; the ribs of the vaulting, springing directly from the pillars, branch out into every direction and cover the roof with rich tracery stud- ded with embossed ornaments containing fine arabesques, medal- lions of saints, sovereigns and bishops, gorgeously painted and gilt; though late, bordering on the cinqne cento period, the effect produced by the painting of the roof is pleasing and harmonious; it ig said greatly to resemble that of S. Anastasius at Verona. The vaulting is in aruinous state. : The splendid flamboyant Porch of the N. aisle was constructed in 1552 from the designs of L. Susterman. The Organ-case is yery rich, ils shutters are covered with paintings of saints and angels. There is a curious double geometrical staircase leading to a small tribune, from whence there is a good view of the choi; it is said to have been constructed for 2 burgomasters who would neither of them let the other take precedence ; a quarrel was thus obviated. N. Trans. : Statue of the B. V., XV cent. N. Chap. : Statue of the Mater dolorosa, XIV cent. S. Aisle: Monument 4 erected in memory of the founder in 1783. Sacristy : A Reli= = quary of S. Ollilia, and a fine Chalice of silver, parcel gilt, .