Musée des Beaux-Arts. GHENT. 6. Route. (3 nd the Angel; Verhagen, Presentation in the Temple (1767); =Judgment of Solomon (a masterpiece); Vision of ; ee yrdom of St. Blasius ‘(his last work, unfinished, ir at the age of 86). Rombouts, Justice (allegory ; _— ae If. chiefly containing works of the 15th century. Hie er. = 1 sc h, ae of the Cross with a dense crowd of onlookers L 12 K ele a terracotta J 10 i k ofan old man yaa = Pir. e Hé vele by Guido Mazzoni, I ne, 9 ‘ and a wooden sta- r ; tuette of St. Se- - G H S a ec b of the 1 Salon eT Rhenish School of E A ‘ 1 5 the 15th Century.— ; miceniral i Room Ill. R. ¢ ‘owie, D Cc B : 2 3 4 Last Judgment; P. a momen, Brueghel the Sane vent d'Entrée )\2ir feast(co- I P. Bri reghel ee t Y ounger of Entree bs the original in i Se Soe SoS? Vienna); Heemskerk, crowned with thorns between two angels; J. de Backer (?), ih predicting to Hezekiah his recovery, with the miracle of the sun going ten degrees backward; on the wings a Crucifixion and the donor, Jac. del Rio, Abbot of Bandeloo; on the outside, Raising of Lazarus, in grisaille. Adr. Key, Portrait. Fr. Pour- bus the Elder, L winged altar-piece, with 22 scenes from the life of Christ; on the back, to the left of the exit, a large representation of the Last Supper. 200m IV. Jac. van Helmont, Crucifixion, G. Maes, St. Nicholas, two large decorative paintings. — Room V. G. de Crayer, Madonna ith the rosary; Jan van Cleef, Coronation of St. Joseph; M. d’ Hon- oeter, Poultry; Th. Boeyermans, San Carlo Borromeo dispensing the Sacrament to persons stricken with the plague, Vision of St. Mary cdalen de’ Pazzi; Peter Thys, St. Sebastian receiving the martyr’s palm from angels; Ant. van den Heuvel, Adoration of the Shepherds. — Room VI. Rombcuts, The five senses (1632); Still-life subjects by A. Suseni ier, Jac. van Es, and Fr. Ykens. — Room VII. Jae. Jor- daens, Studies of heads ; ; Rubens, St. Francis receiving the Stigmata, painted in 1632 for the "Franciscan Church at Ghent (resembling the painting at Cologne; freely retouched); Jordaens, Christ and the Woman taken in adultery; P. de Vos, Fox-hunt; Ph. de Champaigne, P. Camus, Bishop of Belley and Arras. — Room VIII. Adriaen van