PREFACE. Hrrcurs are given in the text in English feet, on the maps in métres (1 Enel. ft. = 0.3048 métre; 1 métre = 3.281 Engl. ft. or about 3 ft. 31/3 in.). Distances are given in English miles. A kilométre is approximately equal to 5/s Engl. mile; 8 kil. = 5M. The PoruLaTrons are stated in accordance with the most recent census. Horens. The Editor has endeavoured to enumerate not only the first-class hotels, but also others of more modest pretensions, which may be safely selected by the ‘voyageur en gargon’, with little sacrifice of comfort and considerable saving of expenditure. The asterisks indicate those hotels which the Editor has reason to believe to be provided with the comforts and conveniences expected in up-to-date esta- blishments, and also to be well managed and with a reason- able scale of charges. Houses of a more modest character, when good of their class, are described as ‘good’ or ‘very fair. At the same time he does not doubt that comfortable quarters may sometimes be found in hotels that are unstarred and even unmentioned. Though prices generally have an up- ward tendency, the average charges and prices stated in the Handbook will enable the traveller to form some idea of his probable expenditure. To hotel-proprietors, tradesmen, and others the Editor begs to intimate that a character for fair dealing and cour- tesy towards travellers is the sole passport to his com- mendation, and that advertisements of every kind are strictly excluded from his Handbooks. Hotel-keepers are also warned against persons representing themselves as agents for Bae- deker’s Handbooks.