72 Route 6. GHENT. W. § S. Quarters: From the bridge at the S.E. end of the Boul. des Hospices (Pl. C, 6) the Boulevard de la Citadelle leads past the handsome fountain- monument to Count K. de Kerchove de Denterghem (1819-81), Burgo- master of Ghent, to the Pare de la Citadelle (Pl. ©, 7), laid out in 1870 et seq. on the site of the works of the citadel. ‘The in- scription on the gate of the citadel which has been left standing records that it was erected in the 11th year after the battle of Waterloo. On the S.E. side of the park rises the Musée des Beaux Arts, in the garden in front of which stands ‘Les Planteurs de Mat’, a group of labourers in bronze, by J. van Biesbroeck; above the Small Pond is a monument by L. Mast and A. Heins, eee of a negro seated upon arock, commemorating the brothers Van de Velde, natives of Ghent, who died in the service of the Congo Free State (1882 and 1888). The park contains also, onthe N.W. , Prometheus and the eagle in marble, by L. van Biesbroeck. Band at 5 p.m. on Thurs. in summer. The *Museée des Beaux-Arts (Pl. ©, 7), in an imposing building designed by Ch. van Rysselberghe and opened in 1904, though of less importance than the galleries at Brussels and Antwerp, still repays inspection. It contains modern sculptures and about 475 old and 215 modern paintings, including examples of the British, French, Dutch, and German schools. Entrance on the N.W. side. Ad- mission, see p. 05. Curator, M. L. Maeterlinck. — Catalogue (1909) in French 4 fr. The large central rooms cont the Scutprurgs. — Vestibule: Marble busts by Th. Vincotte (King Leopold I]. and Queen Maria Hentiette) and El. Corbet (Gen. Bonaparte, 1798); marble figures and busts by E. Namur, P. de Vigne, H. Leroy, D. van den Bossche, A. I. Bouré, J. Lagae, P. Verschaffelt. Plaquettes. Two pieces of Brus- sels tapestry by P. van den Hecke (47th cent.).— Central Hall (Salon Central): J. Lagae, *Penitents (bronze); £. Rombaur, The Venusberg (bronze); J. Dillens, Sphinx ((Enigme; bronze); Je/’ Lambeaux, A mortal wound (bronze); Bronze monument to P. de Vigne the sculptor and L. de Winne the painter, with a statue of immortality py P. de Vigne, and busts of both artists by Rodin and De Vigne; . Meunier, *Prodigal Son. By the walls, *Busts by P. de Vigne, etc. On the right wall, a painting by Fr. Duchastel, representing the Pro- cession in the Marché du Vendredi at the reception of Charles II. of Spain as Count of Flanders (1666); also Brussels tapestry by P. van den Hecke and by* Urbain Leyniers (1717; Triumph of Venus, Apollo and the Muses, Triumph of Diana, Minerva, and Mars). — In the adjacent Hémicycle, or semicircular room: Sculptures including a colossal relief (in plaster) by J. Lambeaux, representing Human Passions (comp. p. 136), — Adjoining the central room on the right is ConnEcrIoN OF OLpER Parytryes. — Room I. G. de Crayer, Virgin handing the scapulary to St. Simon Stock, *Coronation of St. Rosalie, Resurrection; Hr. Duchastel (?), Portrait; G. de Crayer,