282 Route 23. LOUVAIN. From Mechlin rations are being made for his consecration; it is a fine compo- sition of nearly 100 figures. S. Trans. : Christ giving the keys to S. Peter by Wautier, 1623; the Good Shepherd and the B. V. by P. J. Verhaghen, and Christ appearing to S.. Mary Magdalene by G. De Craeyer. Amb.:1, 8. Augustine and S. Dominic by P. J, Verhaghen; the M. H. Trinity, carved, 1469. 2, Ecce Homo by G. Zeegers. 4, Tr.; The Martyrdom of S. Erasmus; in background, an Italian landscape with the Alps in the distance, and on side- panels, S. Jerome and S. Benedict, the latter of whom had accord- ing to the Acta Sanctorum a great devotion to S. Erasmus in whose honor he built several oratories: a Pieta, XV cent, 5, Faith, Hope and Charity by G. De Craeyer : the Last Supper by T. Stuerbout, 1466-8; in background the artist is repr. looking in at a window; the Hotel de Ville is also repr. in course of construction. The Cru- cifixion carved, painted and gilt, 1520. 6, 2 Aumbryes, XV cent. : Tr. by Q. Massys; in centre the Holy Family, on side-panels an angel announcing to S. Joachim the birth of the B. V., and the death of the B. V., on reverse 2 scenes from the life of S. Joa- chim, 1529, fine. 7, 5 paintings by P. J. Verhaghen repr. scenes from the life of the Ven. Margaret of Louvain, the patroness of servants, for whom the inhabs. of the town have great respect ; she ‘was servant in an hostelry frequented by pilgrims; her master and mistress and she herself had resolved on embracing the mo- nastic life and were-all to go on the following day to a convent in the neighbourhood. Some pilgrims came and demanded shel- ter for the night; Margrietje having been sent to fetch some wine, the pretended pilgrims during her absence strangled their host and his wife, and she on her return shared their fate; her body, thrown into the Dyle by them, instead of descending the stream, floated up the river, a brilliant light hovering over it.. This wondrous appearance being witnessed by Henry, Duke of Lorraine, and hts duchess, they, accompanied by their whole court together with the Chapter of S. Peter and the Magistrates carried the hody in procession to the church, 2 Sept. 1225. The Saint’s skull and bones and her wooden wine-jar are kept in a small Gothic Chapel erected in 1538; here are several good paint- ings of XVI cent. repr. S. Michael subduing the rebel angels, the Martyrdom of S. Johan Bap. and S. Catherine, etc. 8, Altar Tomb of blue stone with recumbent effigy of Duke Henry I, d. 5 Sept. 1235 at Cologne on his way home from Mayence, whither he had escorted Isabella of England, who was there married to the Empr. Frederic If on-22 Aug. 1238; the Duke’s body was transported hither and buried in the middle of the choir from whence the tomb was removed in 1798 by the churchwardens who pretended that it impeded the circulation of the people; the lower