to Liege. LIEGE. Route 22. 301 by J. G. Delcour commemorating the institution of the festival of Corpus Christi, first celebrated here in 1246.through the instru- mentality of B. Juliana, a nun of Cornillon, and the B. Eva, a recluse who lived close to this church; the festival was made uni- | versal in 1264 by Pope Urban IV, who had been Archdeacon of Liege. In the Sacristy is a fine antependium, partly of XI, pattly of XV and partly of XVI cent. The Tower is well worth ascending, the view from its sammit being very fine. The Cuurca or tac Hony Gross, S. Croix, seated on an emi- nence, was originally a strong castle built in 713 by a knight of the family of Des Prez, one of whose descendants, named Radus, having become very powerful and dangerous to the public peace, was sent by Bp. Notger in 979 on an honorable mission to Ger- many; during his absence the Bp. converted his castle into a church; the knight on his return looked in vain for his castle, but was satisfied on receiving as an indemnity other lands, which however were ata safer distance from the town. Bp. Notger founded 15 canonries here, and his nephew, Bp. Wason, 15 more. At the W. end of the nave isa semi-circular apse and an elegant oclagonal tower of brick somewhat Moorish in appearance, it was erected c. 1175; the remainder of the church, a 3 aisled Duilding with pentagonal apse to chancel is 2nd pointed and measures 460 ft. in length; the vaulting of the aisles is higher than that of the nave. The entire building has been carefully restored hy M. Delsaux; the gurgoyles have had tin pipes fitted to their mouths which present a ludicrous appearance; the carving, executed by M. Halleux, is remarkably good; the Stations of the Cross in tbe N. and §. Chapels are particularly worthy of notice : the vaulting of the nave is painted with arabesques, the design of which is poor and the colouring gaudy. The windows of the apse are filled with stained glass repr. scenes from the his- tory of the Invention of the Holy Cross, 1834, partly executed by M. Kellner of Munich and partly by J. B. Capronnier, the latter being by fur the best. Over the altar of the S. chapel is a paint- ing repr. the Invention of the Cross by B. Flemalle; the walls and vaulting of one of the chapels in the S. aisle are ornamented with paintings in distemper discovered beneath the whitewash. ‘In the Sacristy isasplendid reliquary of XI cent. in the form ofa Tr. of copper gilt and enamelled; the shutters are ornamented. with demifigures of the Apostles in relief while in the centre are 2 angels supporting the relic of the Holy Cross beneath which is a tooth of S. Vincent and a repr. of the Resurrection in relief; whilst on the crowning-piece of the Tr. isa figure of Christ surrounded by fine enamels : here is also kept the key given by the Pope to S. Hubert; it contains a fragment of the chain of S. Peter. In