to Brussels. FOREST. 1. Route. 9 worthy. A monument in black marble, with the figure of a sleeping child (in the chapel to the left of the choir), is dedicated to the son of Louis XI., who died in 1460. The church possesses numerous costly treasures presented by Emp. Maximilian I., Charles V., Pope Jul ius IJ., Henry VIII. of England, the Burgundian Dukes, and the moe governors (shown by the ‘Clerc’, whom one and Mons (Bru Pp. 213. 1s and Paris railway), railway to (416'/2 M.) The countrytraversed is hilly. llel with the canal of Charleroi. ce of Johannes Ruysbroek (1293- 2M.) Forest, Flem. Vorst, the train s the winding Senne, which waters a rich pastoral district. The line intersects the Boulevards of Brussels (view of the Porte de Hal, p. 134, to the right) and soon stops at the Station du Midi. 34 M. Brussels (p. 89). c. Via Harwich and Antwerp. Sun.) at 8.40 p.m. from Liv to (69 M. in {!/2 hr.) Har 101/2 hrs. ) Antu erpool Stre h (Pe erp; and train the ne Station du Nord); fares 17. ils. 3d., 19s. alid for one month) 21. § O8-, LE. 10s. 4id., salo n on board th e& n London to A 0 months) 21., may be reached di et Station on Quay); Second-el On payment o fares 11. 6s., 4f is examined Antwerp. from numerous other British Antwerp, see p. 164. — The Harwich steamers land their pas- sengers at the ‘embarcadére’ beside the Quai d’Herbonville (beyond Pl. A, 6), where } trains in connection start; but if the arrive in time to catch the midda y train ther ’ ? ir way to the Central Station (Pl. »; 3, 4). ever, is forwarded in any case by the rail- 1 Antwerp to Brussels, see R. 12. Belgian Seaside Resorts. The seaside resorts that dot the Belgian coast-line of 40 M. are annually growing in popularity. The season lasts from June until the end of September, reaching its height in August, though Blanken- berghe and Westende are often crow ded even by the middle of July. The hotels at Ostend and some of the fashionable hctels on the sea- front in Blankenberghe are expensive; but adequate accommodation at moderate charges may be found in side-streets farther from the sea. Private apartments at Ostend and Blankenberghe, especially