Seaside Resorts. BLANKENBERGHE. 2, Route. 21 Rue del’ Eglise( Kerkstraat), leading from the railway-station (P1.B, 2) to the Digue, to which a flight of steps ascends. A little to the right of this main street is the church of St. Roch (P1.B, 4; 1884-89), and to the left is the Market (PJ. 4, B, 2; sales of lace and tobacco on Tues. & Frid. mornings). Aroma | Debes Lepag The Digue, resembling that at Ostend, runs along the top of the dunes, affording an attractive promenade 22 yds. wide and upwards of 1 M. in length, and provided with electric light (chair 10 ¢.) The beach is ex ent. Near the above-mentioned flight of steps is the Casino (PI. 3, B, 1; adm., see p. 20), built in 1886. A modest monument (Pl. 6; B, 1) in front of the Hét. du Kursaal comme- iy morates two Belgians who fell in the Congo Free State, At the N.E. end of the Digue is the Pier (380 yds. long; see p. 20), a favourite resort in the afternoon. At the other end of the Digue rises the Lighthouse (Phare; Pl. A, 2), at the entrance of a small Harbour, protected from silting by an ‘estacade’, which ex- tends into the sea for about 330 yds. and is frequented by visitors until a late hour in the evening (net-fishing 4 fr. per hr.). Ferry across the harbour 10 c. A pleasant walk may be taken along the beach to (2 M.) Wenduyne and (5 M.) Le Coq-sur-Mer (p. 18). — Excursion to Lisseweghe, see p. 2. — Zee Brugge (p. 2) is reached by a walk of 1 hr, along the beach (donkey 2-3 fr.); thence to Heyst, 10 min. more.