22 “Route 2. HEYST. Heyst. — The Railway Station (for Brages) lies in the “centre of -the village, about 100 yds. from the digue. The station of the steam-tramway to Knocke and Brages (see below and p. 23) is a little to the N.E. of the railway station. Hotels (comp. p. xiv; dinner generally at 1 p.m., supper at T p.m.). On the Digue: *Granp-H6reL pu Kursaa, near the station, with lift, 900 RB. at 4-7, B. 41/1, D. 3, S. 2, pens. 7-12 fr.; *“GRAND-HOTEL DE LA Prace, with lift, frequented by the Roman Catholic clergy, 150 R. at ALS B. 1, D. 8, S. 2, pens. 7-15 fr.; *Granp-HOoTEL pu Pare, 200 R. at 31/2 B. 1i/;, D. 3, pens. 6-12 fr.: *Granp-H6érex Royat, with lift, 100 R. at 3-10, B. 41/;, D. 2'/e, pens. 6-42 fr.; *Granp-H6TEL pes Barns, 450 R. from 4, B. 11/;, D.3, pens. 5-9 fr.; HOt. pp Bruces ET DES FLANDRES, pens. from 5 fr., well spoken of; Lroy p’Or, 100 R, from 3, B. 1, D. 21/2, pens. from 6 fr. — Behind the Digue: *Gn.-Hor, pe L Univers, Boul. Léopold, pens. De tre H6ret pu Rivace (pens. 5!/2-6 fr.), CouroNne (pens. 5-7), DE LA MARINE, CENTRAL, DU LitroRrat (pens. from 5 fr.), all near the railwa ation. Beyond the Railway: Héren Sprenprpx, Boul. Leopold; Hor. pe Nap Beau-Stsour, Hor. Leorvotp-Deux (150 R.), all in the Boul. Nic. Mengé ; TrorFass (pens. 6 fr.), PauwELs (well spoken of), St. ANrorng, all near the church. — Furnished apartments at the Maison des Familles, on the digue Cafés & Confectioners at the Matson des Familles, . dela Plage, Hél. de Bruges, and Patisserie Lecomte. — W. at the Moselhduschen, on the digue Sea-Bath 80 c. — Warm Barus in the H6t. du Kursaal. Post & Telegraph Office, beside the station. Heyst, called Heyst-sur-Mer to distinguish it from Heyst-op- den-Berg (p. 208), is a fishing-village with 3700 inhab., and also a sea-bathing resort attracting upwards of 18,000 visitors annually. The chief hotels and numerous villas flank the digue, which is 4 M. long, 22 yds. broad, and lighted with electricity (chair 5 c.). The dune scenery between Heyst and Knocke (see below) is the finest in N. Belgium. About 1 M. from Heyst, and nearly half- way to Knocke, lies Duinbergen (Grand - Hotel Pauwels, pens. 6-18 fr., Hot. de l’Océan, on the beach; Hot, du Chalet, on the dunes, 40 R., pens. 5-12 fr.; Hét. de la Station, 12 R., pens. from 5 fr.), a seaside-resort frequented mainly by Germans. A payed road leads hence to the station of the steam-tramway (p. 18). Knocke-sur-Mer. — Hotels. On the Digue: Granv-Horez, 300 R., pens. from 8 fr.; Granp-H6ren pu Kursaat, 25 R. at 4-8, B. 41/4, D. 31/2, S. 2/4, pens. from 8 fr.; Pauace Horer, patronized by English tourists, these three first-class; Hér. pu PHare; Hor. DE LA PLaG behind these, H6r. Beavu-Stsour, Hor. Conrrnenrat, Hor. Be UE leading to the village: HOv. pu Lirrorat; Hor. C Ss Hor. Mreysman-Scnrerexns; Hor. pu Ruin; Devurse Hor; H6r. Baupoutn, 45 R. at 2-21/2, B. 3/4, D. 2, pens. 4-D fr. In the Village: Hor. pz Brucss; Hér. pu Crane; Hor. Cosy, 50 R. at 11/2-2, B. 3/4, D. 19/4, pens. 4-4}/2 fr., these three unpretending. — Sea-bath 70 c. — ran from the electric tramway station (p. 18) to the digue. Hotel-omni- buses meet the trains at Heyst station. — English Church, with services during the season. — Golf Course (18 holes; 2 fr. per day, 10 fr. per week). Knocke-sur-Mer, the northernmost bathing-resort in Flanders, is now xapidly growing, and attracts many hundreds of visitors an- nually, of whom a large proportion are English. The digue is here paved with bricks for a distance of 2/; M. From the dunes, among which are many modern villas, a view of the island of Walcheren and the harbour of Flushing may be obtained in clear weather.