Madern Paintings. ANTWERP. 13. Route. 199 Pilgrimage; L. Frédéric, Interior. — * 4274, Ev. Larock, The idiot (1892); no number, A. J. Heymans, Wooded landscape near Ber- roone: 1300 4264. L. Frédéric, Group of children 303. A. Baertson, Flemish village by rn to Room S and to the left enter — 59. H. de Braekeleer, The restorer. *H. de Braekeleer, 4029. Old tavern 30. The engraver. — 1348. J. Portaels, Hendrik Con- ‘At the Kasr en-Nil in Cairo; 1042. P. J. Clays, Landscape yrecht Diirer travelling on evening-light ( 1897) ). We Room Q. To the right: J. Lies, Contra science oe (433. Stobbaerts, Leaving the stable; near Dordrecht (1876); 1100. Lies, the Rhine (4 — Jan van Bera ady in white, 1440. Peter Benoit of 4 rp, the compose ), 1288. Portrait of Henri Rochefort; 1296. Verlat, L. Derickx, the painter. e. The Avenues, Park, and New Quarters. The ring of spacious streets constructed on the site of the ram- parts (built 1 540- 43), which formerly described a semicircle round the E. side of the old town and were removed in 1859, is known collectively as the Aventes (Flem. Leien). From the ‘ docks (p. 203) the Avenuz pu Commencs (Han- delslei; Pl. ¢ 3: tramway No.4, p. 166), with a Scandinavian ad ae e hark leads to the Pr ACE DE LA ComMMUNE (Gemeente- Plaats ; , D, 3), which is embe llished with gardens and with mar ae s of Van Dyck (1.; by L. de Cuyper, 4856) and Jor- daens (r.; by Jul. Pecher, 1886). At the N.E. angle of the square is the Athénée Royal, bi nilt in 1880- 84 by Dens, in front of which bronze monument, by Fr. Joris (4 97), to L. de Wael, burgomaster in 1872-92. Onponite the last is the so-called Monument of the ‘Furie Francaise’, erected to commemorate the expulsion of the French under the Duke of Anjou in 1583 and consisting of a triumphant figure of Antwerpia, on a pedestal with reliefs, by W. Geefs and Fr. van Dyck (188: On the W. side of the Place rises the Flemish Theatre (Thédtre Flamand or Nederlandsche Schouwburg; Pl. C, 3), a handsome Re- ance building, erected by Dens in 1869-72. ins cription: ‘Vrede cunst, kunst veredelt het volk’ (peace begets art, art ennobles 1s a the people). ee the beginning of the AvENuE pgs Arts (or Kunstlet; Pi 3,4), to the left, is the Flemish ener House (Viaamsch ou or Thédtre Lyrique Flamand; Pl. D, 3), built by Al. van Mechelen in 1904-7. Just beyond this the Avenue de Keyser leads to the left to the Gare Centrale, while the Place Teniers (p. 171) opens to the right. — Farther on, on the S.E. side of the ee its des Arts, is the Avenue Marie-Thérése, leading to the Park (see p. 200). eee