by Member name. The Directory has 5,869 entries for business firms, organizations, govemment agencies, and other institutions in which 7,946 SLA Members are employed. Most of the organizations listed are in the U.S. and Canada, although a few listings of organizations in other countries also appear. H.-K. d. J. Standardisatie International Organization for Standardization. Information transfer } handbook on international standards governing information transfer. Texts of ISO standards. First édition. ISO Standards Handbook 1. 1977. ISO Central Secrétariat, Sales Depart- ment, Case postale 56, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland. ix-516 p. SwF 66.00. ISBN 92-67-10017-3. This Handbook incorporâtes photographie reproductions of 56 selected In- ternational Standards relating to : (1) Bibliographie references and descriptions, ab- stracts and indexing ; (2) Présentation of documents ; (3) Conversion of written languages ; (4) Document copying. Microforms ; (5) Bibliographie control ; (6) Libraries and information Systems ; (7) Mechanization and automation in documentation ; (8) Terminology (principles). H.-K. d. J. Terminologie Leonard Montague Harrod, Comp., The librarians' glossary of terms used in librarianship, documentation and the book crafts and reference book. Fourth revised édition. 1977. André Deutsch Ltd., 105 Great Russel Street, London WC1, England. 903 p. £ 15.00. ISBN 0-233-96744-3. About 700 terms have been defined for the first time and 310 have been expanded. There are 400 additions and 130 amendments. H.-K. d. i Thesaurus International Organization for Standardization, ISO Thesaurus. 1977. ISO, Case postale, 56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland. Three volumes. This thesaurus is intended for use in connection with the world-wide network of standards ISONET. At the present time, the thesaurus is available in an English and a French version. With its 9,000 concepts, the thesaurus covers the entire spectrum of areas in which standardization operates, i.e. most industrial and economie activities : mechanical engineering, metallurgy, transportation, building, civil engineering, electrical engineering, nuclear energy, Chemical and petro- chemical industries, agriculture and foodstuffs, banking, units of measurement, op- ties, audio-visual equipment, documentation, data processing, medicine, surgery, etc. lts multi-branch nature makes it a tooi for documentation centres and stan- dardization services and a foundation on which to build up individual company 84 / Bibliotheekgids — Jg. 541— Nr. 1 — 1978