AO Route 3. BRUGES. N. W. Quarter, celebrated in 1468, and here Philippe le Bel, father of Charles Y., was born (1478) and Mary of Burgundy died (1482). From the N.W. corner of the Grand’ Place (p. 36) the Marché- aux-Ciufs and the adjoining Rue St. Jacques (Pl. B, 4) lead to the N.W. to the Parvis de St. Jacques or St. Jacob’s Voorplein. In the Rue des Aiguilles or Naalden-Straat, which diverges to the right about halfway to the Parvis, is the Hotel Bladelin (No. 19), a Gothic building of the 15th cent., remodelled in 1892. It was the residence of Peter Bladelin, Treasurer of Charles the Bold, and is now a lace- making school. From the Rue des Aiguilles we have a view of the circular brick tower in the Halle au Beurre or Boterhuis, the next side-street, which belonged to a nobleman’s house of the 45th cent. and was restored in 1884. The Church of St. Jacques (P1.B, 4), founded about 1240, en- larged in the late-Gothic style in 1457-1518, and extensively altered about 1692 in the style of that period, was restored and partly rebuilt by Ch. de Wulf in 1897 et seq. Sacristan, Rue Val-des-Roses 5. Of the numerous pictures of the 16th, 17th, and 18th cent., arranged to some extent in rows as in a picture-gallery, we can specify only a few. Most of them are by second-rate painters of Bruges. Lerr A1sue. On the wall: School of Bruges (so-called Master of the Legend of St. Lucia), Scenes from the life of St. Lucia (1480; Bruges Belfry in the background); Master of the Chapelle du Saint-Sang (p. 38), Madonna and Child in a golden rose, surrounded by Solomon, Prophets, Sibyls, St. Joachim, and St. Anna, with the Tiburtine Sibyl and St. John in Patmos on the wings. 1st Chapel : Three chased copper monumental tablets of Spanish families, one of which, with the date 1461, is to the memory of Catalina dAult, represented between her brother and her guardian angel; another, dating from 1577, is to the memory of Don Francisco de Lapuebla and his wife; the third, of date 1615, is in memory of Don Pedro de Valencia and his wife. — RIGHT AISLE: Lancelot Blondee?, Scenes from the lives of SS. Cosmas and Damian (1523); Albert Cornelis, Coronation of the Virgin, the only extant work of this master (1520). To the right of the choir, P. Pourbus, Madonna with donors (1556), and a small Chapel, containing the tomb (repainted) of Ferry de Gros, Treasurer of the Order of the Golden Fleece (d. 1544) and his two wives (the recumbent figure of the second wife is particularly beautiful). On the small altar in this chapel is a fine glazed terracotta of the school of Della Robbia, representing Mary and the Child encircled with a chaplet of fruits. — On the High Altar: J. van Bockhorst, Adoration of the M The pulpit, rood-loft, and choir-stalls, in the baroque style, were pu in the latter part of the 17th century. Behind the church, in the Rue du Marécage (Moer-Straat), is a picturesque corner, with a fountain of 1901. From the Parvis St. Jacques the Rue des Baudets (Ezel-Straat) leads to the N.W. to the well-preserved Porte des Baudets or d’Ost- ende (Pl. B, 2), near which a new quarter is springing up. From the Porte d'Ostende we may follow the Boul. de la Toison-d’Or (Guiden Vlies Laan; Pl. A, B, 3) to the S.W., cross the railway, and tra- verse the pretty promenades of the Boul. Guido-Gezelle (Pl. A, 4), to the Porte Maréchale, the W. gate of the town, rebuilt by Jan Slabbaert in 1368 and since then repeatedly restored. From the gate the Rue des Maréchaux (Pl. A, 5) or Smeden-Straat leads to the E. to (/s M.) the Main Railway Station (p. 26). up