appelle and e) a steam-tramway, crossing the Dutch Ae on, a thoroughly Dutch village, to enbeurs, 20 at 4 fl. 20-1 fl. PDs good; *t Hof van Brussel, 10 R. ient seaport, frequented artis e elfry of 1396. Sluis, like Damme, is now connected with see p. 48. The steam- Jraaibrug (to Mal- loo (p. 78). a ) Sluis, Fren 00 c., D. 11/- 3 10 ee 3), but a0 from ) and adzand, Dutch nted for sea-bathing, lies near the to the N. of Slo y carriage), and may be reached from on foot e are two small the coast in 2 hrs. In the vill: {1/2 M. d , is the Badhu 1 on the Kadzand. all trains 1s used by Nord- B 3 Ye, farch from at DNs one dh d-du-Sablon WINDsor J 2 fr., with urant; i a popu resta DEE (Pl. i; A, 5), Monzrsou (PI. f. ; -restaurants, Pensions (chiefly Mme. Versteat, Rue Lon- gue 3 (Pl. D tal, Rue de Ja (Pl. B, 4), 18 1 llich-Knigit, Rue du av (Pl. 3; 5, Rue Wallonne 48 (Pl. pen 8 Augustins (Pl. C, 4), 20 R., Le Bee “Rue Cour de ( and 25 (Pl. C, D, 4), 21 R., p Restaurants. In the hotels; also, Mille Colonnes, at the N.W. corne a of the an Pla Cercle Carheity » D. Nye fr.; C Trois Suisses, Rue Philit Birgerbrdu. Place de 1a liers 23 (Pl. B, 4), Ca in the early i 9 (Pl. s Masiee be 2er) 5 Zwart Huis (Maison Noire), Rue des Tonne- issinghe, Rue des Blanchisseurs 2 (PI. D, 4), both + — ConrecTioner. Jac. Lippens, Grand’ Place. Baths. Bains St. Sauveur, at the back of the cathedral (Pl. By 5); Post and Telegraph Office (Pl. 7; ©, 5), corner re the ane Blade and Rue de la Bride; also at the Bailw ay Station (Pl. 5); Cabs. Drive within the town 41/; fr. (in winter £ fr.), eaiatad he town according to a zonal fari per hour, either within or outside the town, carried outside 25 c. Rue F lamande fr, each addit, '/, hr. 50'c. Each drticle of luggase