Cathedral. The focus of the city is the VrezBure or Vredenburg (Pl. A, B, 2), on the site of the castle mentioned on p. 438. — The Lange Vie- straat leads hence the Viebrug we have a picturesque view of the Gracht. To the N. of the Viebrug, at No. 152 on the left, is the Museum Kunstliefde (P\. B, 1), which is somewhat inadequately accommo- dated in a private house. Adm., see p.437. Catalogue (1885) 50 c. In the VesTistLe: 73. R. Savery, Orpheus. On the right and in Room I on the left are unimpor Portrait of a lady as Diana. — Room II chiefly contains old pictures: 86, itlewael, Portraits of himself and his wife (1601); 59. 7h. de Keyser, } (1635). — Upper Froor: on the right, 32. C. Janssens van 87. J. W Portrait Ceulen it of Sieg: (1624) master van der W (1624); 78. D. Vinckboons, Landscape with Tobias; 52. G. van Honthorst, Death of Seneca. To the S, of the Viebrug, on the right, stands the Huis Oudaen (P1.B, 2), a patric and used since 1759 as a Home for the Aged (visitors admitted on week-days). Nea Pl. B, 2), where colonies is coined; it contains an interesting collection of Dutch coins, medals, dies, ete. — We proceed along the picturesque Gracht, past the the Maartensbrug (Pl. C, 3), and thence to the EB. through the Servet-Straat to the — i Dom-Kenrxuor (PI. 0, 3), in which rise the cathedral tower and j the cathedral, standing apart from each other since the collapse of }the nave in 1674 jin the 15th cen ischurches in Holland (comp. p. xly). All that remains of the nave, iwhich had double aisles, are two bays on the S. side, The tran- sisepts have no aisles. Round the choir are an ambulatory and «chapels, in the French style. The InrERIoR (the sacristan lives at the N.E. corner of the church ; ‘ring; fee 25 c.), which is 115 ft. in height, is disfigured by pews, so that fthe impression produced by this venerable Gothic relic with its eighteen {slender columns is tvan Gendt, who fel rin black and white marble by Rombout Verhulst in 1676. Adjacent, to the fright, is the Renaissance monument of Bishop George van Egmond (d. 1549), ‘by Jac. Colyn de Nole. In the ambulatory, to the right, is the Gothic gtomb, in black marble, of Bishop Guy of Hainault (d. 1817). The erypt yoontains the hearts of the German emperors Conrad II. and Henry V., who wboth died at Utrecht (comp. p. 438), 5 -Helst, Holy Family (1660); 7, 8. Jan van Scorel (p. lii), Portraits of 38 citizens and ecclesiastic to Jerusalem (full of indiv The Gothic Cathedral (Pl. C, 3) was erected in 1254-67 by 1Bishop Henry of Vianden on the site of the original church, which 7was founded by St. Willibrordus (see p. 438) about 720 and rebuilt iby Bishop Adelbold in 1015. The present edifice was completed UTRECHT. 54. Route. 439 to the E. to the OupE Gracur (Pl. B, 2). From nt modern pictures; above the entrance, 23. ’. Bol, a lady (41650); 16. Abr. Bloemaert, Adoration of the C. Droochsloot, The Seyen Works of Mercy; AT. B. van of Utrecht who made a pilgrimage together iduality; 1525; restored). — G. Wappers, Burgo- erf at the siege of Leyden. — 74, R. Savery, Flowers ian-dwelling of the 14th cent., resembling a castle tly opposite, No. 73, is the Mint (’S Ryks Munt; the money current in Holland and its BE. Indian modern town-hall and across the Vischmarkt, to t., and was then one of the finest and largest almost entirely destroyed. The monument of Admiral 1 in 1672 at the naval battle of Soulsbai, was executed