304 Route 23. - LIEGE. From Mechlin choir, enclosed by a screen of copper gilt, were ranged the monu- ments of the Prince Bps. : it was utterly demolished at the French Rey.; the last traces were removed in 1828. The Hotel de Ville, erected 1493-7 and rebuilt 2 centuries later, was scarcely completed when it was destroyed by the French bombardment in 1691; the present edifice was erected in . 1714; its style is bad : the interior is furnished in the style of Louis XIV. Opposite it, on the Place du Grand Marché, is a foun- tain erected in 1696 from the designs of J. Delcour, surmounted by fignres of the 3 Graces supporting a pineapple. The University, created by the late King of Holland in 1816, and inaugurated 18 Sept. 1817, occupies what was formerly a Jesuit College, the pillars of whose church now serve to sustain its peristyle. There are here 46 professors and about 500 students. The Library, open to the public daily, contains 80,000 printed vols. and 468 Mss. brought hither from suppressed monasteries, some of them date from the X cent. The Gallery of Anatomy contains more than 400 skeletons besides one of the most valuable collections of human and animal anatomical specimens in Europe formed by the late professor Fohmann. The Museum contains a fine collection of more than 3000 medals, anct. and modern, and about 2800 mineralogical specimens : the two great attractions however are the Zoological and Botanical Departments ; the first of these contains the bones of almost every species of animal, Asiatic as well as European, said to have been found and collected in the numerous caverns in the neighbourhood of Liege; human bones and skulls having in more than one instance heen discovered in the same cave with those of elephants, rhinoceroses, bears and hyenas : these remains would appear however to have been introduced at a later period than those of the animals. The Bota- nical department or cabinet of vegetable anatomy is the only one of its kind in Europe; every plant being exhibited thoroughly dissected, and every fibre clearly shown : these specimens are preserved in spirits of wine : it includes also a collection of fruits, specimens of every kind of timber, and a complete herbal of the Province, besides a curious collection of fossil plants obtained from the mines in the neighbourhood. The Botanic Gardens, entered from the Rue Louvrex, are well stored with plants and beautifully kept : the vanilla plant flowered here annually for the first time in Europe. On the square facing the University, called the Place Gretry, is a colossal statue of that celebrated composer in bronze by Geefs, 1842; he was born in a little house close by, in the Rue des Recollets, marked with this inscription on a marble tablet: « Jet est ne André Ernest Modeste Gretry le 11 Fevrier 1741. »