454 Route 46. COLOGNE. From Atx-la-Chap. the Presentation, early Flem. school, hearing great resemblance to a smaller painting by Memling at Bruges, see p. 154; the B. Vy surrounded by emblems, by Q. Massys ; the Crucifixion by Josse of fie Ghent; several portraits by Holbein, B. De Bruyn, G. Geldorp, F. Clouet, etc. Amongst the works of later masters are the 5 Mater dolorosa: by C. Dolce, a portrait by Velasquez; the Holy fyi Family and the Crucifixion by Rubens, also an autograph letter of fio Rubens addressed to his friend the painter Gildorp at London, and | relating to his painting in the church of S. Peter here ; the Crue cifixion and several portraits by A. Van Dyck; others by J. B | Weenincr, P. Rembrandt, A. Cuyp, G. Douw, eto. L Mr J. Essing, 35, Neumarkt, has a fine collection of media. — val antiquities; amongst the most remarkable of these ate Bi 32 carvings in-ivory, IX-XV cent.; several fine shrines with | enamels of Cologne and Limoges; a pax; 4 morses; a pyx; 4 veliquaries of wood painted; some fine specimens of Vene= tian glass and Flemish pottery, paintings of the carly German and Italian schools, others by Holbein, Teniers, Tie \-s tran, etc. ‘ MC. Ruhl, Witsch-Gasse, has a good collection of pain= tings, one of the most remarkable of which is the B. V. with SS. Catherine, John Bap., Agnes, Paul, etc., by William of Colognes also a very fine cabinet of medieval antiquities, amongst which are 3 carved ivory diptychs; XIV and XV cent.; |. a processional cross with figures of Christ and the B. V. in relief and enamels, end of the XII cent.; several reliquaries of copper gilt and enamelled, XIII cent.; 2 plates of copper enamel= } led with the Annunciation and Crucifixion, XII cent.; a Ger man chalice of silver gilt with the Crucifixion on the footy) early XIV cent.; another with a sixfoiled foot, c. 1420; an I tas |} lian chalice of copper gilt, the knop of which is engraved with | 4 demifigures of saints, end of XIV cent.; a tenfoiled morse of |% copper gilt; in the centre are statuettes of the B. V., SS. Helena, | Andrew and James, in canopied niches, surrounded by the 9 choirs of angels; this fine specimen of XV cent. metal work Wasa te made by D. Molemet; several hanaps and Mss. of XU, XIV andy XV cent. 5 The Rey. F. Bock, Schilder-Gasse, has a collection of mediw- | - val stuffs and embroidery which is probably unique, as if Vi contains 1800. specimens of Oriental, Ttalian, German and French } i manufacture varying in date from the VI to the XVILI cent., also) 1 ¢ a few paintings, reliquaries, etc. ef M’Gartae, Mauritius-Strasse, has a large collection of me dia val seals; Mt Merlo, 48 Unter-Fettenhennen, Dr Kerp, Johannes-Strasse, and Mr N even, Rechtsschule-Strasse, have =