108 Route 10. BRUSSELS. Royal Museums: ‘Travailleurs de la Mer (relief); 344. Ecce Homo; 347. ‘La (peasants dragging a plough; relief); 345. Old mining-pony. 5 Vict. Rousseau, The way to life (‘Vers la Vie’; small bronze group). — Farther on, to the right, 410. Ch. Samuel, Woman’s triumph (‘’Hom- mage’); 324, J, Lagae, Mother and child; 433. Ch. van der Stappen, Sphinx. To the left: V. van Hove, Chastised slave (1855; from ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’). In front of the rear wall. E. Rombaux, Daughter of Satan; V. Rousseau, ‘Les Trois Seurs de l’Ulusion’ (marble). We return along the right side-wall. 402. Victor Rousseau, De- meter (1898); 29. G. Charlier, Prayer; 81. P. Dubois, Seated figure ofa lady. Opposite, J. Dillens, 79. Figure for a tomb, No number, Bust of Frédéric, the painter. In the centre, Jef. Lambeaux, Brabo (p. 177; bronze). To the left are small bronzes by Meunier: 340. Toper (‘Homme qui boit’); No number, Miner with his lamp; 355. Canal-man on horseback (‘le Haleur’). 341. Miner working (relief); 343, Iron-worker (‘Marteleur’). V. Rousseau, Bust of Meunier, Small bronzes by Meunier: 338. Quarryman; 333. ‘Antwerp’ (bust of a dock-labourer); 337. Shipwrecked ; 339. Stone-cutter; 334, Worker in a rolling-mill, Behind are two large plaster *Reliefs, designed for a Monument to Labour that occupied Meunier for the last ten years of his life but was never executed: Manufacture (handling a burst crucible in the furnace of a glass-wcrk), Mining. — Farther on: 74. P. de Vigne, Bronze bust; 325. J. Lagae, Bronze bust. Opposite, A. Rodin, 339. Caryatid, 400. The thinker; 172. Godecharle, Bust of Bonaparte as First Consul. To the left, 483. H. Vingotte, Catiline; by the wall, 14. A. Bartholomé, The departure. Nearer the entrance, No number, Meunier, Miner. — Round the walls are busts of artists and sayants. On the walls are eight large pieces of tapestry, manu- factured at Brussels, with scenes from the history of the foundation of Rome, probably after cartoons by P. Coecke (ca. 1540). In the cabinets are terracottas by Faid’herbe, Francois and Jéréme Du- quesnoy, A. Quellin, and others. The side-room to the left (corresponding to R. III on the first floor; comp. Plan p. 107) is devoted to the Foreign Paintings, including Italian works of the 16-17th cent., French works before the middle of the 49th cent., British works of the 48th and 49th cent., a few Spanish works, etc. (poorly lighted). We begin in the corner to the right: 496. Paolo Veronese, Juno strewing her treasures on Venice (ceiling-painting from the Doges’ Palace); 140. Carlo Crivelli, Madonna and © ild, with St. Francis of Assisi; 346. Pannini, Ruins ot Rome; A97. Carletto Caliari, Holy Family with 5S. Theresa and Catharine (damaged); 372. Ribera (Spagnoleito), Apollo and Marsyas (damaged): 94. Carreno de Miranda, Equestrian portrait of Charles II. of Spain; 508. Sim. Vouet, St. Carlo Borromeo at prayer; 295. Raphael Mengs, Portrait of Michelangelu Cambiaso. — On the window side, as we return. Section 1: 700. Moretto (?), Full-len trait. Section 2: No number, A. Decamps, Battle with the Cimbri; 733. P. Delaroche, Head of a monk (1837); 135. Géricault, Wreckage (4824); 729. L. David, Portrait of a boy; 726. Corot, Sea-piece. Section 3: Sir H. Raeburn, *P it; *747. Reynolds, Chambers the architect; 724. John Astley \?), Portrait. Section 4: *728. Z. David, Portrait of De Vienne, the comp: ser; 738. F. Goya, Portrait of a girl; 472, Theotocopuli, surnamed El Greco (mot Tintoretto), Miraculous appear- ances at the martyrdom of St. Mark; 736. Géricault, St. Martin; 743. Sir