422 Route 47. GRONINGEN. Mesdag-van-Houten, etc. — Room XII, A peasant’s chamber in the Wester- wold. — Through a connecting passage with glass-rases containing apparel of the 18th and {91h cent. we return to Rvom XIII, which is fitted up in the style of Louis XVI. It contains tupestry, with scenes from the environs of Groningen, by @. Wiernga (!752). — Room XIV, in the Revzency style. Chimney-p'ece and gate frum a houxe in the Grovote Markt Collection of porcelain. — Ro m XV, in the s yle prevalent ahout 1600. — On the STamucaseE are escutcheons of the 7th and 48th cent. and graye-stones. First FLoor. Ruom XVI (left). Coins and medals, *Porcelain, chiefly from China aud Japan (17-i8th cent.) Gliss and rock-cryst:l. Worke in gold and silver. Rovm XV‘J (rght). Water coluurs — Room XVIII. Modern paintings, bequeathed by Taco Mesdag (d. 1:02), whose ma ble bust, by Charlier, stands in the centre: to the left. Th. de Bock, Moon- lit scene; W. Maris, Landscape with cattle (1894); Ant. Mauve, Fieldworker; H. W. Mesdag, “ea-piece (1874); Sir L. Alma-Tadema Study of art; A. Verwée. Dinkey-cart; P. J. C. Gabriel, Polder; Christoffel Bisschop, Lady in early-Groningen costume; J. Bosboom, Interior of a church; Taco Mesdag, Tomuili at Taarlo; J. Maris, Winduwill; M. Maris Hofje of Nieuwkoup; Sientje Mesdag-van-Houten, Still-life; J. Jsraéls, Portrait of Mr. Taco Mesdag. The Noorder-Plantsoen (Pl. A, 1-3), the pretty park on the N.W. side of the town, laid out on the site of the ramparts dis- mantled in 1874, and the small Sterrebosch (Boschhuis, Waterloo, with open-air restaurants; tramway, see p.420), to the S. of Gro- ningen, both offer many attractive walks. From GRoNINGEN TO (15!'/2 M.) Roopescnoon and To (18!/2 M.; 11/s hr.) DerzyL, by railway. Stations: Groningen (Nvorder- Station), Sauwerd, Bedum, Stedum (with an interesting brick church, restored by P. J. H. Cuypers , containing succes