SiLininie enaaeeien eens ee ee CONTENTS. (p. 315). — 17. Leeuwarden (p. 416). — 18. Leyden (p. 344) a 19. Liege (p. 246). — 20. Lille (p. 4). — 21. Louvain (p. 238). — 22. Luxembourg (p. 285). — 23. Maastricht (p. 264). — 24. Ma- lines (p. 159). — 25. Middelburg (p. 296). — 26. Mons (p. 243). — 27. Namur (p. 222). — 28. Ostend (p. 10). — 29. Oudenaarde (p. 52). — 30. Rotterdam (p. 300). — 31. Scheveningen (p. 340). — 32. Spa (p. 276). — 33. Tervueren (p. 146). — 34. Tournai (p. 82). — 35. Utrecht (p. 487). — 36. Ypres (p. 44). — 37. Zand- voort (p. 360). Ground Plans of the Museums of Brussels (2), Antwerp, Ghent, The Hague (2) and Amsterdam (2). Abbreviations. R. = Room, Route. | ft. = English foot. B. = Breakfast. r. = right. D. Dinner. | ie left. Déj Déjeuner (luncheon). | hr. = hour. L. Light. min. = minute. A. Attendance. | fl. = florin or gulden. Ss. Supper. | fr. franc. Pp = pension (@. e. board C centime, cent. and lodging). At = mark. N. = North, northern, ete. | pf. = pfennig. S. South, etc. | carr. = carriage. E ast, etc. | omn. = omnibus. : West, etc. | C., ca. = circa, about. M. = English mile. | comp. = compare. The letter d with a date, after the name of a person, indicates the year of his death. The number of feet given after the name of shows its height above the sea-level. The number of miles placed before the principal places on railway-routes and highroads generally indicates their distance from the starting-point of the route. a place Asterisks are used as marks of commendation.