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Belœil. Bruxelles, «Bureau des Annales du
Prince de Ligné ». In-8°, 39 p. portr.fr. 3.50
EitiNE'!'1 Prince'" de' Mémoires' ét Léttres du
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prince de Ligne. 366 p. G. Cres en Cîe.
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Ligne, Prince de | Œuvres posthunresinédités
publiéès par F, Leuridaht. Ecarts posthumes
Bruxelles,1 « Bureau des Annales du Prince
. - de Ligne ». In-18, 32 p. . fr. 2.50
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: j Colléction médiévale .264p. -Boivirt et Cie.
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7’îs'ètr0ie.r:etT 3 s35KrsHcT>iÉJ Mr70r-. j:—
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larVie iht'ellectuell&ii Iö y8', 44 p.’ —fr. 1.50
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: .(150 gr.)p(BK:'30^7).- MerCufe de France.
Br.: _/V. 6.50
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- Etapes^-dhin 'livré-.- In-Sr- Libr. -Hachette.
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muséès roÿaüx'des arts dëèoraftffs et indus-
triels-à Bruxelles-, 80 p: roo pl. hors texte.
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G.-Vàn-OéstetCië, Ehportéfeuille : fr. 125
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rature, 1921. Edited'for the Modem Humani-
ties Research -Association, by A. C. Paues.
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. Eridôwment-for International Peace. » British
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Pubg. Co. 7 /6
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Cr. 8vo, pp. 62. Sidgwick & J. 3/6
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8vo, pp. 289. Heinemann. 12/6
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edn. i8mo, pp. 340, Ithr. Heineman
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Cr. 8vo, pp. 100. Duckworth.
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by Dr. Plooij. 8vo, pp. 132. Heffer. 7 /6
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porary American Literature, Bibliographies
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Ilarrap. : 5 /
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Book IL Demy 8vo, pp. 313. T. Butter-
worth. : - • , : ' 25 /
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Pemberton. 8vo, pp. 258. Hodder & S.
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Edited by Rosalie Masson. 8vo, pp. 304.
Chambers. 7/6
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graphy. By R. Thurston Hopkins. Mus-
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12 / 6
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