BIJLAGE DOCUMENT NUMBER = INIS00328655 328655INIS 0817 F32 Grellmann U. ; Kayser K. ; Ramisch W. ; Seither G. ; Weimer W. Heidelberg Univ. (Germany, F.R.). Medizinische Gesamtfakultaet. Diss. (M.D.). Thesaurus of medicine as a base of a medical documentation System. Thesaurus der Mëdizin als Grundlage eines medizinischen Dokumentationssystems. Jun 1974. 120 P. (In German). 120 refs. 9200882. DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES ; DOCUMENTATION ; INDEXES ; INFORMA- TION RETRIEVAL ; INFORMATION SYSTEMS ; MEDICINE ; PATIENTS ; STANDARDIZED TERMINOLOGY ; DOCUMENT TYPES ; Diagnosis and treatment of a patient is equivalent to a transfer of information which can be represented by a function of an information emitter (patient), an in- formation receiver (physician), and an information transmitter (examination, col- lection of diagnose). The collection of diagnose -y also called thesaurus has the following functions : 1) aid in documentation, 2) aid in diagnostics, 3) aid in recognizing connections of diseases. In the paper, a thesaurus compiled according to these criteria is presented. Its structure is based on requirements of the three sets of problems mentioned above. By means of examples, it is shown that these requirements are also fulfilled in practice (RW). Bibliotheekgids—Jg. 54 — Nr. 1 — 1978 / 35