BA: Route 3. BRUGES. Béguinage donor, with her four daughters, under the protection of St. Eliza- beth of Hungary. On the outsides of the wings are the Madonna and Magdalen Cordier, the donor’s second wife, with her infant daughter and her patron-saint. — Above: Jean Provost, Allegorical figures of Avarice and Death. On the main wall: Pieter Pourbus, Descent from the Cross, a winged picture in grisaille (1570); Portrait of a woman, of 1598; Hieron. Bosch (2), Winged picture with giants and dwarfs and fantastic punishments; P. Pourbus, *Portrait of J. Fernaguut (1551), Last Judgment (1551), from the Hotel de Ville; to the right, R. van der Weyden, Philip the Good of Burgundy; to the left, School of R. van der Weyden, Pieta (fragment); to the right, P. Pourbus, Portrait of the wife of J. Fernaguut (1551); Portrait of a professor of the university of Louvain. In the first section: Jac. van Oost the Elder, Portraits, Theologian dictating to his amanuensis, St. Anthony of Padua and the Holy Child, St. Anthony resuscitating a dead man; Jan van Ravesteyn, Portrait of a woman with a lace collar; Jan Brueghel the Elder, Paradise ; Jan van Goyen, River-scenes ; above, H. van Minderhout, Bruges Harbour (1653). From the Rue Ste. Catherine the Rue de la Vigne and the Rue de ]’Arsenal lead to the W. to the Beguinage (Pl. A, 6,7; comp. p.72), founded in the 13th century. The entrance is in the right angle of the Place de la Vigne; we cross a bridge, affording a pretty glimpse, and pass through a gateway of 1776. The low, whitewashed houses surround a court shaded by elms. The Church, dedicated to St. Eliza- beth, was founded in 1245 and rebuilt in 1605; the altar-piece (Adoration of Christ on the Cross) is by the elder Van Oost, and there is an Assumption by T. Boeyermans in the S. aisle (1676). From the S. entrance of the Béguinage we reach in a few paces, passing the Gothic Lock House (Sashuis or Maison Helusiére; re- stored in 1893), the Minnewater or Lac d’Amour (Pl. A, 7), a sheet of water formerly used as a harbour. The bridge at the S. end, ad- joining which a tower erected in 1398 is still standing, commands a picturesque view. A little to the W., on the Rempart du Béguinage (Pl. A, 7), is a marble bust (by G. Pickery) of Hendrik Pickery (1828-94), a sculptor of Bruges. A pretty walk leads to the E. along the Rempart Ste. Catherine (tramway No. 4, see p. 24) and the Rempart de la Porte-de-Gand to (12 min.) the Porte de Gand (Pl. ©, 7), a picturesque erection of the 15th cent., past which tramways Nos. 2 & 3 run (p. 24). — We may return to the inner town past the pretty Park (Pl. C, 6; band on Sun., 42-4), at the S. end of which rises the modern Gothic Church of Ste. Madeleine (P1. C, 6)