to Liege. VISE. Route 27; 333 and many medals of Augustus, Nero, Marcus Aurelius and Anto- ninus Pius. Lixne; Z.; here is the Belgian custom-house. Inthe Church is a Romanesque Font. { 10 kil. Vist; rt.; a small town of 2450 Inhahs, pictur- esquely seated on a hill; in 1344 Adolphus de la Marck, Bp. of Liege, surrounded it with a wall flanked by towers. In 1643 it was the head quarters of Louis XV during the siege of Maestricht ; in 1775 its fortifications were razed by the inhabs. The Cuurca of S. Martin, founded by Bertha, daughter of Charlemagne, c. 799, is a Romanesque building with a 2nd pointed choir. Here is preserved the silver shrine of S. Hadelin; the sides are each divided into 4 compartments repr.: 1, S. Remacle explaining the dream of S. Hadelin; 2, §. Hadelin blessing his companions; 3, the visit of King Pepin to S. Hadelin; 4, S. Hadelin placing himself under the direction of S. Remacle; 5, S. Hadelin by his prayers making a stream spring from the ground; 6, curing a dumb woman; 7, receiving money from a rich matron to build a church with; 8, his burial; at the ends are a figure of Christ trampling under foot the asp and basilisk, and the coronation of S. Remacle and S. Hadelin. Here was forly. a Priory of Knight Templars founded by Sir Wathi Carot in XIII cent. which had 8 commanderies subject to it, those of Chantereine near Jodoigne, Braekel near Bois-le-Duc, Le Pieton in Hainault, Villers le Temple in Condroz, Slype including Bruges, Castres in Flanders, Haut Avesnes and L’Oison. — Dartuem, 2 m. from Visé, is an anct. town which had Counts of its own in 1108; it passed in 1288 into the possession of the Dukes of Brabant : remains of the castle and fortifications may still be seen. On the summit of a rocky height, rt., is the Castle of Argen- teau connected by a bridge with another rock occupied by gardens; in the park is a Romanesque Chapel erected from the designs of M. G. Umé, 1851-3, in memory of a Count Mercy, Austrian Am- bassador at the English court, who died in London : its windows are filled with stained glass in style of XII cent. repr. the B. V., S. Francis, S. Theresa, etc., hy J. B. Capronnier. The Church of Hermatre sous Arcenreau, Z., founded by S. Hu- bert in 711 and several times rebuilt, has a Romanesque tower and contains a fine tomb of Renaissance style of black marble with recumbent effigies in white marble of Reginald, Lord of Ar- genteau, and Mary his wife, 1856; also an altar with alabaster reredos, XVI cent., repr. the Martyrdom of S. Catherine. A little further up is the village of Curnarre, rt., with an anct. Castle. On the opposite bank is ; 44 kil. Hersrat, where are some remains of an anct. Palace 19.