GHENT. 6. Route. 53 50,4 fr. 45c.). Stations: 141 M. Avelghem (p. 82), M, Mouscron (p. 81). — From OuDENAARDE TO amway in 13/4 hr. hent or Mons, see p. 19. 11/2-43/, hr. (3 fr. 3u M. Hers¢ au. From Oudenaarde to @ The next stations are Peteghem-lex-Audenarde and Anseghem, the first place in West Flanders (branch-line to Waereghem and Ingel- munster, p. 50). Then Vichte, Deerlyck, and Staceghem. 55 M. Courtrai, see p. 79. 581/, M. Wevelghem. — 6411/5 M. Menin (Flem, Meenen), a town on with 49, 600 inhab., once fortified, where the Preaan General $ Scharnhorst (d. 1813) first distinguished himself gainst the French, in 1794. Branch-line hence to Roulers, see p. 50; another runs to the S. to Roubaix in France. — From this point the right bank of the Lys belongs to France. — 65 M. Wervicq (55 ft.; Lion Blanc), with 9900 inhab., possesses a number of tobacco-manufactories. The Church of St. Medardus, founded in 1244, rebuilt in 14383-1430, ‘and resently thoroughly restored, is a tasteful specimen of late-Gothic. Fine carved confessionals in the interior. Steam-tramway to Courtrai, see p. 81. — 67 M. Comines, Flem. Komen (Ht. des Trois-Rois, in the Grand’ Place), formerly a fortified town, was the birthplace of the historian Philip of Comines (1445- 1509). Branch-lines hence to Lille and to Armentiéres in Vrance, see p. 47. 691/p M. Houthem. 76 M. Ypres, see p. 44. 6. Ghent, French Gand. Railway Stations: 1. Gare du Sud (P1. D, 5,6; restaurant), the station, for the trains of the government-lines +6 Bru seas Termonde), Ostend, Terneuzen, Ouden Malines, Bruges, Courtrai (for Paris vid Lille), D (Nieuport, Braine-le-Comte. The mail-trains between snd and Brusse is do not enter this station; pas for Ghent change at No. 2. —2. Gare St. Pierre (Pl. B, 7), a ondary ion for the government-lines, for certain ex trains to Brussels, Malines uyain, and Bruges (comp. p. 2 Station du Pays de Waes (Pl. ), for the trains through the Wa to Antwerp (R. 9b). — 4. Stat : 00 (F PY (E,.33 restaurant), for. the trains to Terneuzen (p. ) rug via Eecloo (p. 78 The last two, Ee ach other, are on the e of the town, 1M. from the Gare du Sud. 5. Station du Rabot (P1. ), a station on the Chemin de Fer de Ceintt a loop-line beginning at the Gare du Sud. — Stations of the steam- tramways see p. 78. Hotels. In the Town: HOTEL DE LA Poste (Pl. a: ©, 5), Place d’ Armes, 200 R. from 4, Hy 11/2, déj. 3, D. 4-5 fr.; Royan Vrororta (Pl. b; ©, 5), Place d’ ane 3 R. from 4, B. 41/2 . dz, D. 4 fr. — Hor. Ganva (Pl=g; D, 5), ee Digue-de-Brabant 41- 24, with a popular wine and beer Gale aet 25 R. at 4-6, B. 1, déj. 2, D. 3 fr. -, good; Hor, pE La Cour-S1r- Grorczs, Rue Haut- Port AG (Pl. ©, 4), in the Cour St. Georges (p. 70), AO R. at 2-4, B. 1, déj. 2, D. 2-3 fr., frequented by English tourists, well spok of; — neat the Gare du ee Hor, DE LA PaIx (Pl. 5 Rs 5), Rue de la Station 34-36, 60 R. from 3, 1 t iD, 5), Place du Comte-de- “Flandre 12, 40 R. ved 3, B. 1 fr.; Hor, Uxivs an i (Pl. a; D,5), Rue de la Station 18-20; Gambrinus, Rue de Flandre 73-75, 8 R. at 3-6 ir. (see p. D4); Hor.-Restauranr Kraus, Rue de Flandre 79: Hor, pz LonpRES & BakpEKER’s Belgium and Holland. 15th Edit. 4 a