to Wasserbillig. VIANDEN. 34. Route. 289 Settel is the station for Roth (Biesdorf's Inn), on the Our, which forms n Luxembourg and Prussia and between the Ardennes : g from the Our are situated the well-pre- sastle and chapel described below. M. Vianden. — Hoven Enscu, in an open situation, 26 R. at -6 fr., HOTEL DES ETRANGERS, OT Picar, 12 R. 6 fr., both good; Hérex Ferper, R. & B. 21/2, both in the town, unpretending. — the boun and the e station. town with 1500 inhab., on the Our, is highly be recommended for a stay of some days. The eresting tombs. In the market-place 8 ored in 1801. The *Castle (keeper at the with its num vers, dates from the 13-47th vation. 2 most interesting pOints are the decagonal do the beginning of the 13th cent.; the main built with gant, richly-carved windows and doors; the rly Gothic with a fine chimney-pi several late-Gothic halls; walting of whi s partly hewn in the rock and . A fine view of the castle may be obtained ituated higher up, or from the oppvsite bank of the mewhat below the picturesque old bridge. From the nd still bizher to the Pavilion (935 {t.). or THE Our is reached by a road leading past the foot e and along right bank, vid the church of St. Rochus. To we see the pilgrimage-chapel of Bildchen, the way to which div ir the entrance to the castle of Vianden. We reach th Jiewels, charmingly situated within a wide bend > Our; on a steep slope at the entrance of a valley on the left bank are the ruins of Fa ein, and farther up the valley (1'/2 hr.), at the sipice of rock, the ruins of the Stolzenburg — The road past Gemind, on the left bank, 5!/, M. from Vianden,”, below ice of the /rsen with the Our, to Hisenbach (Weyland’s Inn), i d and rugged valley, and Rodershausen, 0!/2 M. from ioin the bighroad from Hosingen (left). Followir str we finally cross a bridge (view) and enter the Prussian ot of Dasburg (accommodation at Binsfeld’s, the brewer, and at the : omnibus to Clervaux and to Dranffelt, see p. 282). with a ruined — The wild but monotonous valley of the Our ), a small aot Cro 3.7 , above th cent. aud is in ne and the ce partly support from the Belv on a roc Vv nich Gemu castle and lofty t farther on is diffic It is therefore preferable to follow the road via Dahnen (hen or by the détour via Sevenich) and the Wehrbusch Inn). ‘The village-church contains a Child Jes id to have been painted by Rubens for n. The imposing rocky heights of the Rittersprung re separated by the Schiebach. About 21/2 M. lower the Kénigslei. From Ouren the road ascends, passing the I xemmbourg villages of Weiswampach. Holler, and Binsfeld, with an interesting chapel, to Trois-Vierges (p. 263). The nearest railway-station is Burgreuland (p. 263). Beyond Diekirch the Wasserbillig line passes numerous sandstone- quarries. — 51/y M. Bettendorf, with a chateau; the old church- tower rests on a Roman substructure. Old bridge over the Sure, In the vicinity, to the left, is Méstorf, with a castle. — 81/9 M. Reis- dorf (Reckinger’s Inn, plain), at the confluence of the Weisse Hrenz (p. 2&4) and the Sure, the station for (33/4 M.) Befort (p. 290). : 101/> M. Wallendorf (Hot. Nilles; Hot. Dimmer), beautifully situated near the mouth of the Our (see above), on the left (Prussian) bank of the Sure, which is crossed at this point by an old bridge. In the neighbourhood is the Kastellberg, a Roman camp with ditches. 18* to the Nonn down the Our A