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408 Route 43. MARKEN,
Naarden and Laren we stop at Jan Tabak (restaurant, in a pretty
wood) and Larenberg (view-tower and view of the Zuiderzee).
Laren (Hotel Hamdorf), with the old St. Janskerkhof and an ar-
tists’ colony, is also a station on the steam-tramway connecting
Hilversum (p. 434) with the fishing-village of Huizen, on the
Zuiderzee. From Hilversum we may return to Amsterdam by rail-
way in 30-40 minutes.
On the Amstel (steamboat, see p. 366), about 5 M. to the S. of Am-
sterdam, lies the village of Ouderkerk. The old cemetery of the Portuguese
Jews, beside the church, contains a number of fine tomb-slabs.
To Epam a steam-tramway (No 3; p. 366) runs 8 times a day
(to Monnikendam in 55 min., to Edam in {1/;hr.). A steamer,
starting from the De Ruyter-Kade (pier 9) plies several times daily
to Volendam. Combined tickets for the tramway and the steamer
(one way in each) are issued at 41/ fl. (comp. also p. 409). — The
first stations on the steam -tramway are Buiksloot, on the North
Holland Canal (p. 405), Zunderdorp (junction of a steam-tramway
to Purmerend and Alkmaar; see p. 366), and Schouw. Then Broek,
in the ‘ Waterland’, a village noted for its almost exaggerated clean-
liness. The church has a pulpit of 1685. Monnikendam (Hotel Post-
hoorn; Hotel Doelen; Cafe-Rest. Bellevue, well spoken of; motor-
launch to Marken, see below) has some picturesque old houses
(417th cent.) and a Stadhuis tower of 1594-92. The choir-screen
in the church dates from 1562-63. The dykes to the S.E. of Monni-
kendam afford, particularly towards evening, a pleasant view of the
Zuiderzee and of Amsterdam. — Edam (Hotel Heerenlogement ; Dam
Hotel; Hotel Wielema), which is famous for its cheese and gives its
name to the cheese of the whole district, has some interesting brick
buildings of the {7th century. The Stadhuis contains a few paint-
ings. In the so-called Aardappelhuis, built about 1550, is a collec-
tion of local antiquities (adm. 25c.). Behind the Gothic Groote Kerk
(Church of St. Nicholas), of the 14th cent., restored in 1602-26
(stained glass), is an idyllic cemetery. — Edam is a station also on
the steam-tramway from Kwadyk (p. 413) to Volendam (Hot. Spaan-
der, BOR. at 43/4 fl. incl. B., pens. for a stay of some time 8 fi,
good), where the quaint costumes of the fisher-folk are best seen on
Sundays. Volendam is the seat of a small colony of Dutch, English,
and other artists. Steamer to Marken, see below.
The island of Marken in the Zuiderzee, with a lighthouse
(vuurtoren) on its N.E. point, is inhabited almost exclusively by
fishermen, whose gaily-coloured costumes, manners, and houses
retain much that is peculiar and interesting, The various groups
of houses on the island are connected by narrow embankments,
paved with tiles. Marken is reached by motor-boats from Monniken-
dam (see above; starting near the second station of the steam-tram-
way) and from Volendam. — In summer the following excursion-
facilities from Amsterdam are ayailable also, 1, Locan STsAMER |