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260 Route 27. MARCHE.
EXCURSION recommended to the picturesque rocky valley of the Aisne,
ascending by Juzaine and Aisne to (4 M.) Roche-a-Fréne (inn), with curious
geological strata, and returning by Heyd, Wéris (918 ft.; Romanesque church ;
Celtic dolmen), and Barvaux. — To Aywaille in the valley of the Ambléve,
vid My and Harzé, see p. 261.
The train again crosses the Ourthe, follows the right bank to the
village of (27 M.) Barvaux (465 ft.; Hotel del’ Aigle-Noir, R. 2, B. 4,
D. 21/5, pens. 6 fr., with garden; Hétel des Ardennes), with 1100 in-
hab., and then quits the river in order to avoid the long bend which
it makes towards the W.
On the Ourthe, 2 M. above Barvaux, lies the ancient and picturesquely
situated, but now insignificant town of Durbuy (*H6tel de Lidge, 100 R.
at 2, B. 4, D. 21/2, pens. 6'/2-T'/2 fr.; Hétel de la Montagne), with 450 inhab.
only. The principal features of the place are a medieval bridge, an old
chapel, the ruined old tower of an ancient fortification, and the modernized
chateau of the Counts of Durbuy, now belonging to the Duc d’Ursel.
32 M. Melreux ( Hotel des Etrangers,well spoken of), the last station
on the Ourthe. Light railway to Amonines (8'/2M.) under construction
(to be continued to Ferriéres, see p. 259). To Laroche, see below.
Our line crosses the Ourthe and turns to theS.W. 37M. Marenne.
381/y M. Marche (710 ft.; Hét. de la Cloche, good; Hot. St. Lau-
rent), the chief town (2900 inhab.) of the Famenne, a productive
agricultural district. Steam-tramway to Marloie (see below). The
village of Waha, 11/p M. to the S., contains a small Romanesque
church consecrated in 1051.
44M. Marloie. — 441/) M. Jemelle, where the line unites with
the Brussels and Luxembourg railway (p. 233).
From Merrevux To Larocuz, 121/5 M., narrow-gauge railway in
11/, hr, (fares 4 fr. 60, 4 fr.20c.). 13/4M. Hotton (Hotel de l’Ourthe) ;
41/) M. Rendeux. On an isolated wooded hill opposite stands the
pilgrimage-chapel of St. Thibaut, beside which a hermit still dwells.
{2!/o M. Laroche (730 ft.; Hét. du Luxembourg, 50 R. at 2-3,
B. 1, D. 3, pens. 5-6 fr.; Hét. des Ardennes, 55 R. at 2-3, B. 3/4,
D, 21/9, pens. 5-6 fr.; Hét. Royal; Pens. Villa Beau-Séjour), a small
town, picturesquely situated at the junction of several valleys, and
commanded by the frowning ruins of a castle, is a summer-resort
with a Casino frequented by the English.
Pleasant walks to the Diable-Chdteau and to the Bois de Laroche. The
winding and varied valley of the Upper Ourthe presents several points of
attraction, ¢.g. the rocks of Le Hérou and the junction of the two Ourthes.
Excursions may be made also to the Valley of the Bronze and the Vallée
des Tombes.
28.“ From Liége to Trois-Vierges (Luxembourg) via
Rivage and Trois-Ponts.
56 M. Rartway (Ligne del Ambléve) in 3-81/, hrs. (fares 9 fr. 40 c., 7 fr.,
4fr.70c.). The trains start from the Station des Guillemins.
From Liége to (14 M.) Rivage, see R. 27. The Ambléve Railway,
which connects the Ourthe railway with the line from Spa to Luxem- |