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(Preliminary Information, see p. xxvii.)
Routes to Holland. The quickest and most convenient routes between
E id and Holland are those via Harwich and the Hook of Holland
4 Queenborough and Flushing, both described in R. 36. There are
es, which, though longer, are cheaper, and offer the
cilities for through-booking, “circular- -tickets, and excursion-tickets
condary routes to Belgium (see p. 1). Provisions are not included
es given below.
From Lonpon. Batavier Line (office, Lower Thames St., E.C.) to Rotter-
dan, from Tilbury (train from Fenchurch St. Station) daily, except Sun.,
i {Ahrs.; fares Q1s., 13s., return- tickets 32s., 20s. — ‘Holland Steam-
(office, 150 red@hueeh St., E.C.) to Amsterdam from Fresh Wharf,
ndon Bridge, on Sun. & Wed. (returning from Handels-Kade, Amsterdam,
i a) in ca. 20hrs.; 15s., return 20s. — General Steam Navi-
gation Co. (p. 1) to Hart gen on Sun. & Wed. (returning on Wed. & Sat.)
in ca. 5 hrs.; dst cl. only
I Hurt. Hull & Holl ‘and Steamship ‘vice (office, Humber Dock
Side, Hull ) to Rotterdam, daily, except Sun. (returning from Nassau-Kade,
Rotterdam) in ¢ tote hr to Amsterdam on Wed. & Sat. (returning on
& Sat.) in to Harlingen on Wed. & Sat. (returning on
& Sat.) in ca. 2h Fare in each case 15s., return 20s.
From Gooue. Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway Co.'s Steamer to Amsterdam
on Were & Sat. (returning on Tues. & Sat.) in ca. Mbrs.; to Rotterdam on Mon.,
Wed., ¢ Sat. (returning on Tu Thurs., & Sat.) in ca. 17 hrs. ; to Delfzyl
( g on Sat.) in ca. ‘Ohbrs, Fare in each case 45s., return Us.
Great Central Railway Co.’s Steamer to Rotterdam on
Sat. (returning from St. Jobshaven, Rotterdam, on Tues.,
z Sat.) in ca. 13 hrs.; , return 20s.
NewcastLe. Jyne-Tees S ipping Co. (p. 1) to Rotterdam on Taes.
g on Sat.) in ca 24 hr, return 30s.
LEITH. Geo. Gibson & Co.'s Sleamer (p. 4) to Rotterdam on Tues. f
Frid. (returning from W ms-Kade, Rotterdam, on Tues, & Frid.); t
Amsterdam on Mon. z on Frid.); to Harlingen on Tues, Ceatueatte
In each cas ca. S34 brs.; 30s , return 50s.
1 Graxcemouts. J. Rankine & Son’s Sleamer (head office, 45 West
; G asgow) to Rotterdam on Tues. & Sat. (returning on Tues. & Frid.);
rdam on Mon, & Sat. (returning on Tues. & Frid.). In both cases,
yoyage -36 brs. )s., return 5O<,
From DonpEx. J. Rankine & Son’s Sleamer to Rolterdam on Mon. (return-
ing on Sat.) in 30-36 brs.; 30s., return 60s.
From New Yorn. Holland- America Line (office, 39 Broadway, New
York) to Rotterdam weekly in ca. 12 days; saloon from 105 dollars.
36. From London to Rotterdam and Amsterdam.
a. Vid Harwich and the Hook of Holland.
Boat-train daily (incl. Sun.) at 8.40 p.m. from Liverponl Street Station
(Great Eastern Railway) to (69 M., in 11/2 hr.) Harwich (Parkeston Quay);
steamer thence to (104 M.; 7-71/2hrs.) the Hook of Holland; and trains thence,
in connection with the steamers, to (17 M.) Rotterdam in 35 min. and to |