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ROTTERDAM. 37. Route. 301
from 2, B. 3/4, déj. 1/2, D. Jk omn. 4/2 fl., *Granp-HdéTEL Coomans
E fdsteeg 12-22, at the Beurs Station, with lift and large
restaurant, 175 B. at 2-3 fl. (incl. B.); Héven LeycraarF (Pl. k; C, 5),
tplein 14, near the park, 30 R. from Qjofl., B.60c¢., déj. 11/2, D. Do,
3 ll arden - restaurant ; ‘Zor - HoLtanpsca Hore,
atraat 27, AO R. at 2-2'/2 fl. (incl. B.), with large
> Hérev Sr. Lucas (Pl. f; D, 2), Hoogstraat 827,
24, D. 13/4-2 fi, aot Hore, pe France
g at 13/422, B. 3/4, déj 41/4, D. 18/4,
Horen DE Beurs, Geldersche Kade 24
1 — Vic TORIA Hotez (Pl. b; D, 5,
aay, D. 4 pens. Al/z, omn. 1/2 fl
e ai yd y
EL DE GOUDEN he. ‘Kade 30 (Pl. E, 3), 20 R. at 13/4-21/, fl.
icl. B.), unpr spoken of ae Smits (Pl. h; F, 3),
Ou de Hoofdple sin 2, , B. 3/4, d ps ae HOTEL
v Poppe (Pl. ) BR. at 13/4- 21 . Gucl B.),
; D. AM, Hoogstraat ; 375, with res Bee 40 RB.
m 4 )c., Jewish. — Pension. Mrs. E. Andrew, Westzee-
A fl.
taurants. “Stroomberg, Westnieuwland 12 (Pl. E, 2, 3; restau-
‘plats du jour’ 60 c., déj. 1-1/2, D. 1/222 fl.; Loos, in the
2 electric way in the Hofplein 15 (p. 309; concerts in the
Suisse, Gelde 27; Café-Restaurant du Passage, Korte
, at the Passa . 804); *@rand-Hotel Coomans (see p. 300). déj. 4,
20 2 m.) in the café 4, in the restaurant (1st floor) 41/2 f.; ; Boneski,
at the W. exit of the Passage, opposite the Van Hogendorps Plein; Zuid-
o/ te schy, Geldersche Kade 30 (Pl. E, 3), and ‘on the
le ms -Brug (p. 809); Rondeel, Hoogstraat 290,
Zoological Gardens, see p. 3)9; ‘Sauer, Zeevisch-
aurant only (0)sters). — Brasseries. Grand-H6tet
Loos ( above); Léwenbrdu, Franziskanerbrdu, Woog-
Origin sener, Nieuwe Straat 28; Boneski (see above).
Wine at the Bode Oporto, Oudehayn-Kade 6 and the Continental
Bodega , Kolk - Kade — Confectioners. Maison Ulrich, Leuvehayn 95
: Schurmann, Schiedamsche Singel 31. — Tea Rooms. Veen’s Tea
on, Van Hogendorps Plein 23; Maison Ulrich, Schurmann, see above.
Cabs (Rytuigen; scarce) Moror Cass. For 4 or several pers. 60 c¢.
per 1200 métres (43410 yds. each additional 400 métres 10 c.; at night
ti9-7) 60 c. per 600 métres, each additional 200 métres 10c. Waiting 10 c.
x 4 minutes, — METER Cans. For 4-5 pers. 60 c. per 2400
h additional 800 métres 10 c.; at night (412-7) 60c. per 1200
métres, each additional AO 0 métres 10 c. Waiting 10 c. for every 6 minutes.
— Orpr Cc For 1-5 pers. 60 c. per 20 min., Tic. for }/2 hr., 11/4 fl.
for 1 hr., addit. 1 /sbr. 30 c.; at night double fare. — Each trunk 10 c.
eLestrice Tramways G Rotterdamsche Electrische Tramweg-Maat-
y’). e U2 c., transfer-tickets (‘overstapkaartjes)) 10c. — The
ati all lines except Nos. 4, a aud 10) is the BEURSPLEIN (Pl.
Ho vingerdyk (beyond Pl. H, 3)-Oostzeedyk-Nieuwehaven
E - Van beens Plein (Pl. C. D. 3)- Witte
6 -Park (Pl. 6). — 2 (red), Feyenoord (Prinsen-
)- Willems. Brug (Pl. E, F, 4)- Beursplein (Pi. EB, 8)- Van
I lein (PI. D, 3)- Centraal- Station (PJ. B, I). — 3 (blue).
Boompjes aD. Bycaeutoen (PL E, 3)-Botersloot (PJ. KE, 2)- Bergueg
(beyond P). E, 1) — 4 (yellow). Oude H ofdplein (P|. F, 3)- Goudsche Sirgel
niraal-Station (P\. B. 1)- Mauritsweg Gr B. 2, 3) - Wiilems-Plein
— 5 (white). Oudedyk (beyond P}. F, 1)-Kipstraat (Pl. E,
in (Pl. E, 3)- Van Hoge nee Plein cee C, D, 3)- Kruis-Kade
2)- Middelland-Straat (P), A, 2). — 6 (blue and white Prins
ee Nore (PLE Ae) Willems- a (Pl. E, F, 4)-Boompjes (PJ. E,
4)- Beursplein (PJ. E, 3)-Botersloot (PJ. E, 2)-Walenburgerweg (beyond Pl.
C, 1).— 7 (red and white). Beursplein (P). E, 3)-Van Hogendorps Plein
(Pl. C, D, 3)- Nieuwe Binnenweg (PJ. B, 3)- Delfshaven (beyond Pl. A, 8-5)- |