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of the principal Flemish, Dutch, and Belgian Artists mentioned in
the Handbook, with biographical notices.
Abbreviations: A. = architect; P. = painter; 8. = sculptor; c., ca. =
circa, about; b. = born; d. = died.
The Roman numerals refer to the Introduction. The name of a town
immediately following the name of an artist is that of his birthplace;
those at the end of the notice are the scenes of his professional activity. —
In the spelling of proper names the Dutch tj is represented by y.
Aelst, Willem ( Guillielmo) van, Dutch | Balat, Alphonse, Belg
A., Gochenée
P. of Delft; ca. 1626-83. Delft, (Namur
); 1848-1905. — Ixxyiii.
Balen, Hendrik van, the Elder, P.
Amsterdam, "France, Italy. — lxxi. | >
Aertsen, Pieter, surnamed de lange | Antwerp ; pupil of Ad. yan Noort;
Pier, Nether. P. of Amsterdam; pu-| 1575-1 Antwerp.
at Amsterdam; | Barentsz, Dirck, P., Amsterdam; pupil
pil of Allart Cla
1508-75. Amsterdam, Antwerp. of his father Barer Dircksz and
Agneessens, Edouard, P. of Brussels;| of Titian; 1534-92. Venice, Amster-
1842-85. — Brus — ‘ | dam. — ixii.
Allebé, August, P. of A dam; | Baron, Théodore, Belg. P.; Brussels;
b. 1838. Amsterdam. 1840-99. Namur.
Alma Tddema, Laurens, Dutch P., | Bassen, Barthol. van, Dutch P.; ca.
Dronryp; pupil of L. de Taeye and 1590-1652. Delft and The Tapia!
H. Leys; b. 1836. Antwerp, Brus- | Baurscheit, Jan Pieter van, the Youn-
sels London. | ger, A. and S., Antwerp; pupil of
Alsloot, Denis van, P., Brussels; ca.| his father; 1699-1768. Antwerp.
1550-1628. | Beerstraaten, Jan Abrahamsz, P. of
Apol, Hess P., The Hague; b. 1850.| Amsterdam; 1622-66. Amsterdam.
Dutch P., Haarlem;
.| pupil of A. van Ostade; 1620-64.
| Haarlem. — lxviii.
| Berchem or Berghem, Claes (Wicolaes),
Pe Haarlem, 1620-8 Haarlem,
The Hague. Bega, Cornelis,
Artan, Louis, B «3 18: y
Arthots, Jacques d’, P.
pil of Jan Mertens ;
Artz, David Adolf Cor nstantyn, P
Hague; pupil of Israél 18 0 x.
Asselbergs, Alphonse, P., Brussels; 5 Gers t, P., Haarlem;
b. 1839. | bro ther and pupil « of the following ;
AateWD, Jan, surn. Krabbetje, Dutch | I
, Dieppe; 1610-52. Rome, Amster-
Ae = Ixx.
Avont, Pieter van, Flem. P., Malines; | Be lage, Hendrik Petrus, Dutch ars
1599-1652. Antwerp. | . 1856. — Amsterdam. — lxx is
ene Jean-Baptiste, Belg. P. on
Backer, Adriaen, P., Amsterdam;| glass and A. , Courtrai; 1821-94.
ca. 1635-84. Amsterdam, Rome. | Beyae ert, Henri, Belg. A., Courtrai;
Backer, Jacob Adriaensz, Dutch P., | -94. Brussels. — lxxviii,
Harlingen; pupil of Rembrandt; | Beyeren, Abraham van, P., The
1608- Amsterdam. — Ixy. Hague; 1620(21)-after 1674. — 1xxi.
1, Gilles, P., Antwerp; | Biefve, Edouard de, P., Brussels;
2 (?)-before 1662. Antw aD. pupilof Paelinck ; 1808-82. Brussels,
Baeckelmans, Louis 3 1835-71. Paris. — Ixxiii.
Antwerp. — Ixxviii. Biset, Karel Emanuel, Flem. P., Ma-
Baen, Jan de, Dutch P., ™m ; lines; studied at Paris; 1633 - 85.
pupil of Jacob Backer; 02. Antwerp, Breda.
The Hague. Bisschop, Christoffel, Dutch P., Leeu-
Baertson, Albert, Belg. P., Ghent; warden ; 1828-1904. Scheveningen,
beteege Bles, David, P., The Hague; pupil
Bakker - Korff, sistaaden Hugo, P., of Corn. Kruseman ; 1821-99. The
The Hag ue; pupil of C. Kruseman ; Hague. — lxxx.
1824-82. — Ixxx. Bles, Herri (Hendrik) de, or Heri
., Haarlem ; 1630-
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