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276 Route 32. SPA. Practical Notes.
T/. M. Spa. — The omnibuses of the larger hotels meet the trains
at the RatLway Station (P]. A, 2; Restaurant).
Hotels. *Granp-H6rEeL BRITANNIQUE le a; D, 2), Rue de la Sauve-
niére, with grounds, 140 R. from 6, B. 2, déj. 5, D. 7, pens. from 15, omn.
11/o fr, open May. -Nov., fashionab] es Bia Hetaavod (Pl. c; B, 1), Avenue
dn Marteau, 98 R. from 4, B. 41/2, déj. Mase D. 5, panes 12-00,” omn., 4 fr.,
open Apr.-Nov.; H6TEL DE FLANDRE (Pi. 2), Rue 3 Xhrouet 1, 150 R.
from 5, B. nye déj. 3, D. 4, pens. from vi ‘omn. 4 fr., with baths and
garden. — GranD HOTEL DE Spa (Pl. d; C, 2 "Rue Xhrouet, 60 R. from 3l/2,
B. 112, déj. 3'/2, D. 41/2, pens. ta ‘omn. ee GRAND- HOTEL DEs Ba
(PR). es Ei 1), Place Royale, with lift and baths, °85 R. from 4, B. 4/2,
B1/2-4, A> fr., Hor. DE L’EuRopre (PI. f; C 2), Rue Entre-les Ponts,
100 R. rae A, B. 11/2, déj. 31/2, D. 5, pens. tots, omn, 4 fr. — H6TEL DE
LAEKEN (Pl. g; C, 2), Rue Léopo old, 4150 R. at 21/2-b1/2, B ay ag). 212, D. 3'/e,
pens. 71/2-12 tr., open mea Hor DE LA Poste (Pl. i; C, 4), Rue du
Marché 4, 50 R. at 21/2 41/4, We, D- 3'/2, pee 8-12 fr., open
Apr.- ~Oct. — ConTiNentar Gi. Ik on 4, Rue Royale ‘14, opposite the Kur-
saal, 33 R. at 21/o-4, B. 4, as 21/2, D. 8, pens. 8-10 fr., open in summer
only; Hor. DE Lumoure (Pl ; C, 4), Place Royale 0 B. at 2-5. B. ds
aj, 2'2, D. 3, pens. 7-12 fr., Sia May-Oct.; Hér. Des ETRANGERS (P]. m;
, 1), Rue du Marché 38, 20 R. at 2! 2-3, B. 4, déj. D. 3, pens. 8-9 fr.,
ONeR in summer only; Hotermans (Pl. Ds C, ), ae Pierresile- Grand,
déj. or D. 21/2, pens. from 6 fr. 5 Hor. DE COLOGNE ce o; A,1), Avenue du
Marteau 49, 30 R. at 21/2 -6, B. 1, déj. 2, D. 8, pens. 74/2-10 fr., unpretending;
Hor. pe Portucar (Pl. p; ’B, 4). Place Royale, R. 2-4, B.4, déj. 2, D. 3 fr.;
in the Avenue du Marteau, No. 20, Cuafne D'OR en g B, 1), 50 R. from
21/2, B. 1, déj. 21/2. D. 3, pens. 8- 12 fr., Rosette (P]. A 2); H6r. bE VER
SAILLES (Pl. 8; C, 1), Rue de l’Hotel-de-Ville 40, 40 R at 3-5, B. 1,
D 2/2, , pens. 6-8 fr; in the Avenue de la Gare, Hér. prs z
- 2), ‘Hor. pes Mareenes (Pl. uz; A, 2), 20 beds at 3-4, B. 2
Oy 3 fr. — Hover Batmorat, 41/4 M. to ke wee (comps Map), well si uated,
new. — Pension: Ohdteau Belvéddie (Pl. v; Avenue du Lawn- Tennis,
in a lofty and open situation, with ¢ aan ee 76i/2-9 fr., Open in summer
only, patronized by English and American tourists. — Furnished Apart-
ments easily obtained.
Restaurants. Kursaal, see p. 277; at most of the above-named hotels;
Rocher de Cancale, in the Grand-H6tel des Bains; at the Promenade de Sept-
Heures; at the Géronstére, the Sauvenitre, and Barisart, al] dear. — Beer
at the Brasserie de Munich and the Hét. de Portugal, both in the Place Royale.
Cabs. With one horse 1!/2 fr. per drive, with two horses 21/2 fr.
per 1; hr., 4 or 4!/efr.; for each addit. 1/;hr., 75 c. or 4 fr.; waiting, Qor
3 fr. per hr.; double fare at night (12-6); trunk 20 c. — ‘Tour des Fontaines’
(a visit to the different springs; 2 hrs.) with one horse 6!/,, with two horses
8l/2 fr.; to Sart and Fr ancorchamps , returning via Malchamps and the
Sauvenitre (31/2 hrs. and 1/2 hr.’s stay), 118/, and 16 fr.; Franchimont and
back (2!/2 hrs. and 1/2 hr.’s stay), 83/s; and 12 fr.; Grotte de Remouchamps
and back (A hrs. and 2Qhr.’s stay), 16!/; and 991). fr.; Cascade de Coo and
back (5 hrs. and 2 hr.’s stay; ; railway, see p. 280), joy) and 261/ fr., via
Stavelot (6 hrs. and 2 hr.’s stay), 221/, and 301/2 fr. Bar aque Michel and
back (7 hrs. and 3 hr.’ s stay), 27!/ and 37}/2 fr.
Horses. Ponies (‘bidets’), of a peculiar variety and as sure-footed as
asses or mules, are much used; ride of 2hrs. 5 fr.; each additional hour
2 fr.; Grotte de Remouchamps 15 fr.; Cascade de Cop 15 fr.
Electric Tramway from the station to ( 32/3 M. in 27 min.) Tiége via
the Place Royale, 60 or 35c. (to the Place iacyale 45 or 10c.). An ex-
tension to Verviers is projected.
Season Tickets for the Kursaa], the Promenade de Sept-Heures, the
Salon de Conversation, the Museum, the Pouhon, and the Lawn Tennis
Courts 60 fr., for 2 pers. 100, 3 pers. 140, 4 pers. 460 fr. Monthly ticket
30 fr. fortnightly ticket 20 fr. daily ticket 4 fr. Holders of season,
monthly , and fortnightly tickets are entitled to a discount of 26 per |