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to Rotterdam. FLUSHING. 36. Route. 295
eee see an, see p. 296). — Hotels. *Graxp-HOTEL DES Bains
. to the AM: of the town, 2!/s M. from the station,
B D. 21/2, pens. from 5 tl., closed from Nov.
A Bip 2), at the station, near the
fl. (inel. B ), D. 41/2 f1., good; Horen Noorpzee-
from 43 3/4 fl., with BS aa new; Horer,
uation, 30 R. from 13/4
4 ; B, 2), HOTEL
Go ; ) at 4 DM] fl, B. "60 ¢ ., With café- res! aurant, both
jin the “Be Namy ie 4M. from the station. — * Railway Restaurant.
Post and Telegraph Office (Pl. 3; C, 2), on the Hout-Kade.
Money Changers. Nieuwen-Dyk 98; Wiebaut, ee 33.
Steam Ferry from fel rail. station to the Hout-Kade, 5 c.
Zeilmarkt (Pl. 6; C, 2) to Middelburg
summer some of {he cars start from
to Domburg, see p. 298 (starting from
Steam Tramways
298), in 40 min.,
uis, Pl. A, 1
tation in conne
Steamboat (from the Dok-Kade, Pl. ©, 1) to Rotterdam via Middel-
fburg, once pany c ‘ 2 f. 65, 1 0. 60 c.); to Terneuzen
2D els Cant
on with the international trains).
Aaertbad opens ACen Pieter F. # — Lloyd's Agent, P. L.
i de Bruyne.
Scottish Presbyterium Service in St. Jacobs Kerk (see below) at 10a.m.
on Sundays.
Flushing, Dutch Vlissingen, a seaport with 21,300 inhab., once
fortified, is situated on the S. coast of the island of Walcheren, at
the mouth of the Scheldt, which is here nearly 2'/> M. broad. The
quays and docks of the outer harbour (Buitenhaven; Pl. B, 2), ex-
tended in 1867-73 , are used almost exclusively for.the passenger-
j traffic with England (see p. 294). The chief articles of trade are
fpetroleum, wood, and coal, and the principal industries are ship-
pbuilding and the manufacture of machinery.
After the ‘V t Beggars’ had taken Briel Flushing was the first
( Dutch town to raise the standard of liberty (in 1572). Admiral de
Ruyter, the greatest nayal hero of the Dutch, was born here in 1607
(d. 1676). He was the son of a rope-maker, but his mother, whose
name he assumed, was of noble origin. His greatest exploit was
} the ascent of the Thames with his fleet in 1667, when he demol-
(ished fortifications and yessels of war and threw London into the
utmost consternation. A monument (Pl. 5; B, 2) was erected to
his memory in 1841 near the inner harbour, and there is another
to the poet Jacob Bellamy (1757-86), a native of Flushing. The
Groote or St. Jacobs Kerk (Pl. B, 2) dates from 1352. Good views
) of the harbour and the sea are obtained from the Rotonde (Pl. B,
2) and from the embankment in the Boulevard de Ruyter (Pl. B,
" 2). The Oudheidkamer, established in the Gevangentoren (1563),
on this Boulevard, and containing a collection of local antiquities,
is open from June to Sept. on Sun., Mon., Wed., and Frid., 1-5,
at other seasons on Wed., 1-4; adm. 26 ¢., at other hours 60
The Sea Barus of Flushing (Grand- Hotel des Bains,
see above) |