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Cathedral. ANTWERP. 13. Route. 175
family by B. Sammeling (1591); above, portrait of Chris. Plantin,
the printer (p. 183), by W. J. Herreyns ; beneath it the tombstone
of Plantin, with inscription by Justus Lipsius. — 6th Chapel:
A. Quellin the Elder, Painted group of the Mater Dolorosa. — At
the back of the high-altar, Death of the Virgin, a large picture by
Abr. Matthys (1634). Below it, the Marriage of the Virgin, the
Annunciation, and the Visitation, painted in grisaille with great
skill by M. I. van Bree in imitation of half-relief. In front of it,
Tomb of Isabella of Bourbon (d. 1465), second wife of Charles the
Bold. with her recumbent figure in bronze. — The 8th Chapel is
that of the old Guild of St. Luke (p. 182): altar-piece, the Virgin
with St. Luke, by A. de Vriendt. — On the pillar between the 5th
and 9th chapels, School of Roger van der Weyden, Scenes from the
life of St. Joseph. — 9th Chapel: Modern carved altar in the style
of the 45th cent., from the design of Jos. Schadde, with scenes
from the life of St. Joseph, to whom this chapel is dedicated ; the
wings are by L. Hendrix. On the left wallis a Pieta after Van Dyck,
in the style of Rube Christ a la Paille’ (p. 193). — On the
pillar between Chapels 44 and 12, Van Veen, Entombment. —
{2th Chapel (a large one, adjoining the two last): A. Quellin the
Elder, Painted statue of St. Anthony, on the altar. Two stained
glass windows, commemorating the comm jal treaty between
Henry VU. of England and Philip I. of Castile (1503); the first is
ancient but was freely restored by Stalins and Janssens in 1879, the
other is wholly by these artists (4880).
TRANSEPTS. Rubens’s pictures, described on pp. 173,174. Also,
in the N. Transept: Stained glass of 1645 and 1616 (restored in
4866), that above the portal pourtraying Archduke Albert and his
consort Isabella, another (first window on the right) representing
Godfrey de Bouillon founding the Order of the Canons of St. Michael.
On the left, Fr. Francken the Elder, Christ and the Doctors, among
whom are portraits of Luther, Calvin, and Erasmus; on the wings,
St. Ambrose and the prophet Elias (1586); opposite, Abr. Janssens,
four church-fathers. — In the S. Transept: Large stained-glass
window after J. Bethune, the Patron Saints of the Arts (1870); on
the left, @. Seghers(?), St. Francis; on the right, M. de Vos, Marriage
at Cana; Van Veen, Last Supper. — Tho dome above the crossing
is adorned with an Assumption by Corn. Schut (1647).
The Nave and aisles contain some ancient and modern stained
wlass windows. In the former (left) are two windows of 1537 (Ador-
ation of the Magi, Conversion of St. Paul), restored by Stalins and
Janssens. — The Pulpit, with its trees and birds carved in wood,
is by M. van der Voort (4743).
The Lapy Carry, in the N. aisle, contains a marble altar of
{825 with four reliefs, representing the Annunciation, Visitation,
Presentation in the Temple, and Assumption, by Art. Quellin the
Younger. The modern stained glass by Statins and Janssens (1878-
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