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332 Route 39. THE HAGUE. Municipal Museum.
(1668); over the second door, 212. G. van Honthorst, Princess
Amalia of Solms; on the right wall (above No. 343), 287, 288. M. van
Mierevelt, Prince Frederick Henry of Orange and his wife Amalia of
Solms (1634); 213. G. van Honthorst, Louisa Henrietta (p. 321),
daughter of the preceding; 227. Corn. Janssens van Ceulen, Magis-
trates of The Hague in 1647, the painter's masterpiece; *106. Jan
van Goyen, View of The Hague, the largest (14/5 ft. by 51/2 ft.)
and one of the most important works of this master, who knew so
well how to pourtray the autumnal colouring of a Dutch landscape
(1651); 218. Joachim Houckgeest, An ensign of the Green Arque-
busiers (1621); E. C. van der Maes, An ensign of the ‘Oranjeyendel’
Arquebusiers; 6, 295, 352. Magistrates of The Hague in 1682,
4717, and 1759. We now enter the large —
SaLoon or MopEgn Parntines. To the right: 555. Hoynck van
Papendrecht, On the Beresina; 273. W. Maris, Cows (early work; 1868);
50. B. J. Blommers, Fish-cleaning; #276, A. Mauve, Beach at Scheyen-
ingen ; “239. J. Chr. Klinkenberg, Canal in Amsterdam. — 564. @. A.
F. Schermer, Hunters’ tryst at Namur; 140. G. Henkes, Petitioner;
68. Fr. Duchastel, Snow-scene; 281. H. W. Mesdag, Sea-piece (1875);
226. J. Israéls, Portrait of W. Roelofs, the painter; no number, Jan
van Vuuren, Woodland path; *272. J. Maris, Beach at Scheveningen;
44. C. Bisschop, Still-life; 5. Ad. Artz, Return of the flock; 556,
C. Koppenol, Goats at pasture; 3. L. Apol, Winter-scene; 392. Jun
Vrolyk, Pasture (1886). — 133. J. E. van Heemskerck, Return of the
wreck; 13. A. H. Bakker-Korjf, Reading the Bible; *225. J. Is-
raels, The little seamstress; 501. W. Maris, Cows in water; 361.
W.B. Tholen, Skaters; *63. J. Bosboom, Interior of St. Peter's Church
at Leyden; 300. Alb. Neuhuys, Rustic interior in Drenthe. — 557.
M. van der Maarel, Flower-market; 554. J. van Essen, The heron;
103. P. J. C. Gabriel, Polders; 370. P. van der Velden, Violoncello-
player; 45. Dav. Bles, Light and heavy sorrow (1882); 378. S. L.
Verveer, Scheyeningen in wet weather; 232. H. ten Kate, Renewal
of the lease; 344. Therese Schwartze, Portrait; 553. Fr. Deutman,
Summer; 320. W. Roelofs, The rainbow.
The SmaLrer Rooms contain paintings by J. G. van Os (1776-1839),
A. Schelfhout (1787-4870), Ant. Waldorp (1803-66), M. F. H. de Haas, and
others. In the second room are twenty-one portraits of the De Witt family,
bequeathed by Mr. Joh. Hoog (d. 1886), and a portrait (No. 234) of the
poet Jac. Cats (p. 300), by Z. de Jongh. The chimney-piece and the ceiling-
paintings in this room date from the 18th century.
In the Korts Vooruovr, a little to the E. of the Tournooiveld,
rises the Theatre Royal (Pl. E, 4; p. 317). — Adjacent is the Gouv-
ernement van Zuidholland (Pl. 4; E, 4), with two handsome rooms
in the style of Louis XV. — From the Korte Voorhout to the Haag-
sche Bosch, see p. 339.
A few paces to the S., at Prinsesse-Gracht 3, adjoining the
Academy of Art (Pl. 19; 1, F, 5), stands the Museum of Industrial
Art (Museum van Kunstnyverheid), Adm., see p. 348, |