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K 29612:[a,1,11], Collectie Stad Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience
Title | EHC_K29612_A_1_11_2019_0703.tif |
Category | uit de bibliotheekcollecties van Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience |
Asset identification [ID] | |
Full text | Lee : Se Ee Be EE RDI So aA TRC Ce lace - . 2 BSR OST Is ea 3 NEDERLAND NEDERLAND a sa | pa purr i>) we & ew ) 2 & | | No if | Sl wetelawisee PAYS-BAS my temo tee | : ae Gronden wuoKkum : | s ee ssh 1:1.000.000 atone, SOS Ol GG =? a — Shacab ee) ee , Ligh _yaardgrondgh ey 4) eh a Kilometer | 27% Otriend. . margey SOR ullerlposh—are > S So a Ls 30 40 ° a / f bev os ) Zuidhorny Burtde Pr —_—_ — = ) % SOXIE: GNIS pe ee 9S : Engl. Miles \, hel Rep teraymer ay aes sain Mise | Tee arlinserpy— \ . ye sehanz, Weng p | eS Ty cay 5 i \ oa 7 4 ‘ | . ¥& ‘opsyntde Winschisitere aren bp ~QUE® 7 Fe 8 \ Feenglane ee Dudes s Rew ekelar / . fe gare “E i ee | } He | xX | : 1 , Ruinermoné ee 5 ee oe a Y CF). Mos: as { I in pottushoe!" sg \ ae ruck iui Leftooginglen So < es foes | Noordwoldé Sf Yt ieringen gS flora NI T : 6 an /’ & 4 e. slo ff ears 4 / Meer ; lertTcsoorl So Dot ere ee 7H a : : ‘ : \ ‘ a Medemblik: a I sie we \4 a v fedem Wf, Hee | iD Rk J Ruiner.) ] & Zieelo \3 on ) VWizikel a Md HY Sep LRN he Se he seme | i x A \ : : KH RLCLDPEN S Antik ; | \ 4 > b } \y Wye \ repny © n Vv fA \ 207 CV nN ie > Ng Puibiroty a iu fe seestS ogketrspel 5 inkhuizen | - an Leese 41 Seek ts shrift e iryett) & > . ff Zz t < } J ocean’ ade) oo a wee Kockange\| iL a ( Nieuw Ampliriia Blokzyt\ | | lebrock: | Vollenhove | hoy ! | >, ‘ ] MG <eMeH eat Gk a ' Berge He Venhuizen { 3 Iwolschenign | wy Viadwotde™.. 8 geforce i ‘: } Gosterteck ee ' chokland Egmond 62 be en, He i D6 de Te lWassey Ommerschonz \ Neh, dondo> PWN Ways ic i eS : =e PSUS NC caphor: Ress A fe: } < plrepee, se Wn , alk it 4 a SQ on Ralkbrotges in Fordmste * grt ten x . a breek 6 AMS ‘Yat Gi he R — | | See | : SG Castricu S \ by “\ du, ommne © =, " Elbur oa | ae | XS |) | tk antl 0 ; gh ; Heer ley | Zangyoor MSTERDAM = inspeet fp | Yo Muider Handerwijk <> 1 Oe | gelenge " lulshorst Epeh een 4 oErmelo | my / AAG | | Noordywykf Vf \ W\ Paassenyp ) “oN | amzee YF 9 EcPutten és ° ‘Deventey = | | ‘ et Loos | Tae | i Re % Asse ‘SGRAVENy Scheveninge,, Rarneveld i NY 2 A j SES ‘ E- DE | Lang Soerer f Yedide | desteey fh n Ki Riederobrt HF K Rozendyal Ly RiewveW 4 Wi einen S x Px Z seen AOS me ? a Batenburg tegen ES Neerboscps a wy ¥ . ON Ces /e ee D SSprauy nM idatsteuvel Helvga Boer S| ld Pond: Ge hid | | | ; i | yy * \ Hattingen Bs Blixdel ¢ Gr rea en (sy D ASS é Some dd Gravé et imprimé par Wagner & Debes Leipzig |
Last OCR | Last OCR 2020-09-05 02:42:57 |
Original filename | EHC_K29612_A_1_11_2019_0703.tif |
Filesize | 39.14 MB |
Height | 3677px |
Width | 3720px |
MIME-type | image/tiff |
Creation date in Dams | 2019-06-26 13:58:29 |
Last modification | 2021-05-12 09:26:39 |
Exif.Image.ImageWidth | 3720 |
Exif.Image.ImageLength | 3677 |
Exif.Image.BitsPerSample | 8 8 8 |
Exif.Image.Compression | Uncompressed |
Exif.Image.PhotometricInterpretation | RGB |
Exif.Image.Make | Adobe Systems Inc. |
Exif.Image.Model | Tiff File |
Exif.Image.Orientation | top, left |
Exif.Image.SamplesPerPixel | 3 |
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Exif.Image.XResolution | 300 |
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Exif.Image.PlanarConfiguration | 1 |
Exif.Image.ResolutionUnit | inch |
Exif.Image.Software | Capture One Pro 9.3 Windows |
Exif.Image.XMLPacket | (Binary value suppressed) |
Exif.Image.IPTCNAA | 5898524 1193614083 540 470024194 134231810 959524914 942814768 3932700 892612870 3355705 |
Exif.Image.ExifTag | 41043502 |
Exif.Photo.ExifVersion | 2.30 |
Exif.Photo.PixelXDimension | 3720 |
Exif.Photo.PixelYDimension | 3677 |
Exif.Photo.FileSource | Digital still camera |
Exif.Photo.SceneType | Directly photographed |
Exif.Image.InterColorProfile | (Binary value suppressed) Iptc.Envelope.CharacterSet |
Iptc.Application2.RecordVersion | 4 |
Iptc.Application2.DateCreated | 2019-06-28 |
Iptc.Application2.TimeCreated | 14:59:43+00:00 |
Xmp.photoshop.DateCreated | 2019-06-28T14:59:43 |
Xmp.photoshop.LegacyIPTCDigest | FF4DA40CDDC72C7B4FD38805A733FADE |
Xmp.xmp.CreatorTool | Capture One Pro 9.3 Windows |
Info |
This media file falls into the public domain. This work has been identified as being free of known restrictions under copyright law, including all related and neighboring rights. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.
The metadata is licensed with a creative commons zero license. You can copy, modify, distribute and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission. If you use this media file and / or the metadata, we would appreciate it if you copied the information from the Acknowledgements field as a source reference. When used in a publication, we would like to receive a copy for our library. |
Acknowledgements | K 29612:[a,1,11], Collectie Stad Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience |
Source listing | Baedeker, Karl, Belgium and Holland, including the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg: handbook for travellers, K 29612:[a,1,11], Collectie Stad Antwerpen, Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience |