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264 Route 29. MAASTRICHT. Practical Notes.
in 1674. ‘The extensive park is open to the public on Thurs. after-
noons. — Farther down the river are steep cliffs and large quarries.
Picturesquely situated on the Berwinne, 21/, M. to the E. of Argenteau,
are the ruins of the once famous fortress of Dalhem (Restaurant Klenen),
formerly in possession of the Counts of Hochstaden mentioned at p. 453.
10 M. Visé, Dutch Wezet (Hét. de Brabant, good; Grand-Hotel,
R. 11/9, B. 3/4, D. 21/o-3 fr., Hét. de Europe, these two near the
station), with 3600 inhab., is the seat of the Belgian custom-house,
and a great centre for rearing geese. The parish-church contains
the Chasse de St. Hadelin, a silver reliquary with fine reliefs (ca.
1100). Quaint Hétel de Ville. The Loreto Chapel, on the hill, is
a pilgrim-resort. Another fine view is obtained from the high-lying
village of Hallembaye, 11/2 M. to the W. — The train crosses the
frontier and enters the Dutch province of Limburg.
121/. M. Eysden, with the Dutch custom-house and an old
chateau of the Counts de Geloes, is situated amid fruit-trees and
luxuriant pastures. — 16 M. Gronsveld. On the opposite bank of
the Meuse are seen the tufa rocks of the Petersberg, rising 330 ft.
above the river (p. 267).
181/) M. Maastricht.
Maastricht. — The Ratrway Srarion (Pl. C, 2; Restaurant), on the
right bank of the Meuse, in the suburb of Wyk, 1 M. from the centre of the
town, is used also for the lines to Roermond and Venlo (p. 463) and to
Hasselt and Antwerp (R. 15); the latter line has a second station outside
the Boschpoort (Pl. B, 1). — Steamer to Liége, see p. 247 (pier at Pl. B, 3).
Hotels. Hore, pu Livriek ET DE L’AIGLE-Norr (Pl. a; B, 2), Bosch-
straat 76, 45 R. at 13/s-21/4, B. 3/4, D. 2 fl.; Granp-HéreL pz L’EMPEREUR
(Pl. b; C, 2), near the station, 26 R. at 11/2-2, B. 3/s, D. 11/3 fl., well spoken
of; Horr Deron (Pl. c; B, 3), Onze Lieve Vrouwe Plein 6, 20 R. from 2,
B. 3/4, D. 12 fl.; Héte, Wittems (Pl. d; C, 2, 3), Station-Straat 52, with
restaurant, 25 R. at 13/4-21/2 fl., B. 60 c., D. 11/4 fl.; Hoérex Suisse (Pl. e;
B, 3), Vrythof 11, 18 R. at 1-11/;, B. 1/2, D. 1-1/2 fl., with c sstaurant ;
H6ret Contryentat (Pl. f; B, 3), Kleine Staat 20, 20 R. at 13/s-2 fl. (incl. B.),
D. 1!/4 fl.; Hore, Petri (Pl. g; B, 3), Breede Straat 11, 16 R. from 2 fl.
(incl, B.), D. 4!/2 fl.; Horen Wityetmina (Pl. b, C, 3; Jewish), on the
Wilhelmina Singel, 35 R. at 13/4-21/,, B. 3/4, D. 1/2 fl.
Cafés-Restaurants. Kaiser (Café du Casque), D. (at noon) 11/2 fl., Aue
Pays-Bas (with rooms), Ratskeller, Momus, all in the Vrythof (PI. A, B, 2, 3),
the first-named on the N. side, the others on the E. side.
Booksellers. LZ. Nygels, Groote Staat 38 (P1. B, 2); Rosenkranz, Groote Staat
65. — Money Changers. Hering, Vrythoff, & Co., Papen-Straat 13 (PI. A, B, 3).
Post & Telegraph Office (P]. B, 3), St. Jacob Straat 2.
Tramway from the station to the Vrythof 5 c. — Carriage from the
station into the town 50 c.; to Slavante (Petersberg) and back 4, to Valken-
burg 6 fl.
Principal Attractions ('/2-1 day). Hétel de Ville, Churches of St. Ser-
vatius and Notre Dame, Petersberg. Excursion to Valkenburg, see p. 209.
Maastricht (138 ft.}, the capital of the Dutch part of the province
of Limburg on the left bank of the Meuse, with 37,550 inhab. and
many industries (large factories for pottery, crystal, glass, and paper,
and several breweries), has a small harbour for the Liége and Zuid-
Willem Canals (p. 435), and is interesting to lovers of art on account
of its ancient churches and their treasures. |