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294 Route 36. HOOK OF HOLLAND. From London
(56/2 M.) Amsterdam via Schiedam and The Hague in 2 hrs. Fares: to
Rotterdam 31s. 6d., 20s. id., return-ticket (valid 60 days) 48s. 8d., 34s.
7d.; to Amsterdam 37s. 1d., 25s. 6d., return-ticket (60 days) 55s. 11d
33s. Td. Luggage is examined at the Hook. The boat-trains run to t
Beurs,Station, other trains to the Delftsche Poort Station or to the Maas
Station at Rotterdam, but all start from the Maas Station and Delftsche
Poort Station; at Amsterdam they run to and from the Central Station. —
Holders of second-class tickets may travel in the saloon on board the
steamer for an extra payment of 7s. (A1s. return). — Passengers may
book from any station on the Great Eastern Railway at the same fares.
Through-tickets to the principal towns in Belgium, Holland, and the rest
of the Continent also are issued by this company.
The Hook of Holland, Dutch Hoek van Holland (Bad-Hotel ;
Railway Restaurant), an insignificant village at the end of the
Nieuwe Waterweg, which was constructed in 1866-90 at a cost of
30,000,000 a. and now affords the shortest communication by canal
between Rotterdam and the North Sea, has since 1892 been an im-
portant place for the passage to England. The station adjoins the
landing-stage of the steamers. — Express through-trains in con-
nection with the steamers run to and from this station to Cologne,
Bale, Berlin (466 M., in 16 hrs.), Osnabriick, etc.; the express-
trains between the Hook and Nymwegen stop at Rotterdam (Maas
Station) and Dordrecht only. Steam-tramway to S’Gravesande and
The Hague, see p. 317.
7 M. Maassluis (Brit. consular agent) takes an active share in
the ‘great fishery’ (see below). — 14 M. Vlaardingen, with 16,000
inhab. and a quaint market-place, is one of the oldest towns in
Holland and the principal depot of the ‘great fishery’, as the her-
ring, cod, and haddock fishery is called. A fishing-fleet of 125 boats,
manned by about 1500 men, is annually despatched.
14 M. Schiedam, the first stop of the express-trains, see p. 310.
Passengers for Amsterdam (see R. 38), except those in the morning-
express and those travelling via Rotterdam, change carriages here
17 M. Rotterdam, see p. 300.
b. Vid Queenboro’ and Flushing.
Trains (South Eastern and Chatham Railway) twice daily from Holborn
Viaduct, St. Paul's, Victoria, and Herne Hill Stations to (50 M., in 12/3 hr.)
Queenboro Pier; steamer (Zeelund Steamship Co.; London Offices, Electra
House, Finsbury Pavement, Moorgate, E. C., and 33 Cockspur St., 5.W.),
thence to (90 M.; 6-7 hrs.) Flushing; and train thence, in connection with
the steamers, to (S2'/2 M.) Rotterdam in 2h/s-21/2 hrs. and (185!/2 M.) Amsterdam
(Central Station) in 33/4-41/, hrs. Fares to Rotterdam 34s. 6d., 20s. 1d.,
return-ticket (valid 60 days) 48s. 83d., 3is. Td.; to Amsterdam 37s. 1d., 25s.
6d., return - ticket 55s. 11d, 38s. 7d. Holders of second-class tickets may
travel in the saloon on board the steamer for an extra payment of 8s.
(18s. return). The fares include the fee for the use of a sleeping-berth. —
Cheap return-tickets at single fares, valid for eight days, are issued on
Frid., Sat., & Sun. in summer to Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and other Dutch
towns. These are available by day-steamers only. — Through-tickets
are issued on this route to the principal towns in Belgium, Holland
Germany, etc. |