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362 Route 42. ZANDVOORT.
6'/2-40 fl. (6-8 before July 15th and after Sept. 45th), with terrace and
restaurant; Groot Bapuurs (Pl. c), 140 R. at 212-6, B. 8/5, déj. 11/2, D. 21/2,
pens. 6-8 fl, (41/2-6 in June and Sept.), with terrace and restaurant; Horsey
BeEavsite (Pl. d), 60 R. at 11/2-31/2, B. 3/4, déj. 11/4, D. 21/2, pens. 43/4-61/o fl. ;
“Hore, Kurgavs, with a concert-room, 40 R. at 18/4-3, B. 8/4, déj. 11/4, D
21/2, pens. from 5 fl. These five in an open situation. — Also on the dunes,
but at some distance from the sea: HOTEL DE LOckan (PI. f), R, 21/2,
déj. 11/4, D. B/e3 fl.; Bapnoter Drresuizen (Pl. g), 40 R. from 11/2, B. 3/,,
dé}. 4, D. 2, pens, 45 fl., plain but good; Hore, Betvépere (P). 6), 19 Re
from 21/2, B. We, déj.4, D. 2, pens. 31/24 fl., also good, with several furnished
villas to let for the season (275-800 l.); HOreL-Penston ZEERUST (PI. h), with
a pleasant view of the dunes, well spoken of.
Pensions (named from N. to S.). Pens. Biickmann, Villa Adriana-Clasina,
Pens. Thalatta, Beau Rivage, Marezate (14 R » pens. 4-6 fl.), Villa Frederica
(25 R., pens. 5-9 fl), Villa Paula (17 R. at 3-6, board 3 f.), Quisisana. all
in an open situation; Pens. Beauséjour, at some distance from the sea;
Pens. Villa Marina (24 B., pens. 4-9 fl.); Pens. Hoogveld, in the village, with
small garden, — Lodgings on the dunes and in the village.
Cafés- Restaurants, at the above-mentioned hotels. Also, Restaurant
du Passage, in the Arcade (numerous shops), near the Kurhaus: Bodega
Kiosk, next door to the Hot. Groot Badhuis.
Post and Telegraph Office (Pl. 2), Halte-Straat, in the villa
Office (closed on Sun.) in the Arcade.
Tramway from the station to the Hot. d@’Orang
Bathing Coach, 35 c., 10 tickets 8 fl., including ng-dress and towels.
— Beach Chair, 10c. — Horses, 1 fl. per hr. — Sailing Boat, 1 fl. per hr.
English Church Service in summer.
Zandvoort consists of a fishing-village (3800 inhab.), situated
behind the dunes, and ofa bathing-resort, dating from 1880, situ-
ated on the top of the dunes. The latter is lighted at night by
electricity. The season lasts from June 15th to Oct. dst and is at
its height from July 15th to Aug. 31st. The bathing-beaches, com-
mon to both sexes, are in front of the Kurhaus and near the vil-
lage. The beach is excellent. — Amsterdam is supplied with
drinking-water from the neighbouring Vogelenzang Dunes. — From
Zandvoort visitors should walk to the North Sea Canal (p. 406),
about 6 M. off, returning by rail.
ge; Branch
fare 71/2 c,
43. Amsterdam.
Comp. also the Plan of the Inner Town at p. 370,
Railway Stations. 1. Central Station (Pl. ees *Restaurant), for all
trains. — 2. Weesper Poort Station (PI. G, 4, 5), for Utrecht (R. 5ia), Gouda,
The Hague, Rotterdam (BR. 52), Arnhem, Germany, and Belgium. — 3.
Muider Poort Station (PI. H, 2, 3), for the trains io Utrecht vid Hilver-
sum (R, 51b), to Amersfoort, and to Germany via Apeldoorn - Salzbergen
(B.50). — 4. Llectric Ratlhoay Station, see p.866.— Town Agencies of the Railways
and Travel Bureaux, see p. 861. — Porter, 25. — Cab Tariff, see p. 365. —
Tramways from the Central Station to the Dam (Nos. 1-5, 9, & 41; the last
goes to the Weesper Poort Station), 7!/2 c., comp. p. 365.
Hotels (comp. p. xxviii). *AmsTEL Horer (Pl. a; F, 5), Tulp-Plein 1;
cor. of Sarphati-Straat, in an open situation on the Buiten-Amstel, with
railway booking-office. post & telegraph office, 200 R. at 234.5 fl. (some
with bathrooms), B. 80c., déj. 2, D. 3, motor-omn. 3/, fl. (no pension
rates); “Brack’s Dogten HoTen (Pl. b; E, 4), Doelen-Straat 24, near the
Kloveniers-Burgwal, 100 R. at 21/2-3 (some with bathrooms), B. 4, déj. 2,
“HOTEL DE “Europe (Pl. c; E, 4),
D. 3, pens. from 7, motor-omn. 4 fl.; |