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456 Route 58. BREDA, From Cologne
Baden. The latter is the work of Tomaso Vincidor of Bologna, who
had come to Holland about 1520 in order to superintend the exe-
cution of the tapestries from Raphael’s cartoons. The figures of the
deceased, sculptured in Italian alabaster, repose on a sarcophagus,
while four kneeling statues; representing Cesar, Regulus, Hanni-
bal, and Philip of Macedon, bear on their shoulders a slab on
which is placed the admirably-executed armour of the count. This
monument was the model for that of Sir Francis Vere in Westmin-
ster Abbey. Among the other monuments are those of Count Borg-
nival (d. 1536) and Dirck van Assendelfft (d. 1553; the latter much
defaced by the iconoclasts). The choir contains some good wood-
carving, representing monks in comical attitudes, intended as a
satire on the clergy; a Renaissance font in copper; the fine brass
of Willem van Gaellen (Galen; executed after 1539); and a fine
mural painting, recently discovered.
The old Castiz, begun after 1536 under Hendrik and his son
Reinier, Prince of Nassau-Orange (d. 1544), by Tomaso Vincidor
(see above), was reconstructed under William III. of England, by
Jacob Roman in 1696. It is now a military school. The park in
front of the castle, known as the ‘Valkenberg’, contains a monument
commemorating the 500th anniversary of the possession of Breda
by the House of Orange (1404-1904).
From Breda to Rosendaal and Flushing, see R. 36d.
Stzam Tramways run from Breda to the large village of Ginneken
(H6t, Niekerk), and to various other places in the environs. — To Antwerp,
sce p. 167.
Near (1301/, M.) Langeweg the line crosses the Dintel and passes
(133 M.) Lage-Zwaluwe, the junction for the line to Antwerp (p. 300)
and the line from ’S Hertogenbosch (p. 436), which proceeds to
Moerdyk (p. 207) on the Hollandsch Diep. We now reach the bridge
over the Hollandsch Diep, an arm of the sea which was formed in
1421 (comp. p. 452). This vast structure was begun in May, 1868,
and completed in November, 1871.
The breadth of the bay at this point is 15/s M., but owing to stone
piers projecting into the water the bridge, which has fourteen iron arches
with a span of 110 yds. each, is only 7/s M. in length. The foundations of
several of the stone buttresses which support the bridge are 50-60 ft. below
low-water mark. Fine view over the expanse of water.
At the N. end of the bridge lies (136 M.) Willemsdorp (Hotel-
Restaurant Waterloo, a favourite resort of artists).
142 M. Dordrecht, — Hotels. Hér. Ponsen (Pl. a; D, 4), at the
station, with café-restaurant and garden, 35 R. from 13/4, B. 3/4, D. 1!/2 f1.,
good; BrLievur (Pl. b; D, 4), Boomstraat 25, beautifully situated near
the Merwede-Kade, or steamboat-pier, 25 R. at 11/2-5, B. 3/4, D. 11/2-2 fl.,
good; Orange Hoven (Pl. c; D, 3), Johan de Witt Straat ta, near the
bridge of that name, 18 R. at 43/4, B. 3/4, D. 11/2-2 fl., with café-restaurant
(‘plats du jour’ 60-70 c.); Aux AnmMes DE HOLuaNDE (Pl. d 3 D, 1), just behind
the Bellevue, in the Wynstraat, 20 R. from 11/2, B. 3/4, D. 2 fl. — Hérer
DE Potocne (Pl. e; D, 2, 8), Voorstraat 226, R. 13/4 fl., B. 60c., D. 4}/s-
41/2 fl.; Hoven Henpnrks (Pl. f; D, 3), Vriese-Straat 12, with café-restaur-
ant, R. from 11/;. B. 1/2, D. 4-1!/4 fl., unpretending. |