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118 Route 10. BRUSSELS.
Royal Museums:
25. La Légende Dorée (MS. of the 15th cent.). — 96.
by Antoine de la Salle (1461). — 28. L’Arb
(1456). — 80. Book of the Golden Fleece
Récits Anecdotiques,
re des Batailles, by Honoré Bonet
e, by Guill. Fillastre (45th cent.). —
31. Breviary of Philip the Good. — 39. Mass-book from the church of
St. Servatius at Maastricht (1539). — 33.39, Bindings. — 39-42. Oriental
MSS. — 44, Antiphonary from Gembloux (ca. 4530), — AB. ‘Livre de Ordre
de la Toison-d’Or’, with portrait of Charles V. in the costume of the order
(1559). — 47. View of Seville, by G. Hoefnagel (4573). — 48. Gesta Abbatum
Gemblacensium, with pen-and-ink drawings of the first half of the 46th
century. — 49. Tables of slate from the Abbey of Villers (143th cent.), —
50-53. Early playing-cards. — 54. Letter of Luther to Wilh. Prawest, 1528;
liturgical chants by Thomas 4 Kempis, — 9-58. MS. music and mass-book
of John III., King of Portugal (1524-57), by Pierre de la Rue. — 61-66. MSS,
of the 6-14th cent. (in 66. Documents of Emperor Arnulf, 893, and Otho Ty
949). — 68-73, Early printed works. On the window-wall to the right,
autographs of Charles V., Philip Il., Egmont, Hoorn, Erasmus, Tilly, Vol-
taire, Rubens, Napoleon I.. Lafayette, J. B. Rousseau, Wieland, Washing-
ton, Lord Palmerston, Sir Robt: Peel, David @ Angers, Lamartine, Dela-
croix, and others
L’ANcrEnnE Cour, a building adjoining the Library on the E.,
was the residence of the Austrian stadtholders of the Netherlands
after 1731 (comp. p. 100). It now contains the National Archives
(daily, 9-6), the so-called Eglise du Musée (a chapel erected in 1760
and devoted to Protestant worship since 1803), and the Collection
of Modern Paintings, founded as a municipal museum in 1835 and
transferred to the state in 1845.
The Enrrancr is at the end of the R
the right in the circular entrance-hall is the door leading to the
National Archives. To the left we proceed through the glass-door
to the Staircase, at the foot of which is a statue of Hercules by
Delvaux. Sticks and umbrellas are left here with the custodian, to
the left (no charge). The ceiling-frescoes, Tepresenting the seasons,
are by J. Stallaert, The bronze panels of the tailing, representing
the Labours of Hercules, are by the sculptor L. Mignon. — At the
top of the staircase we reach another —
Rotunpa, in which, on the right, are the entrances to the Office
International de Bibliographie (card-catalogue; adm. 9-12 and 2-6)
and to the Cabinet of Engravings (p. 147; adm. p. 96). A door to the
left leads to the —
*“Musée Moderne de Peinture, or Collection of Modern Pictures
(adm., see p. 97), which consists of about 400 paintings and 50
water-colour and other drawings, admirably illustrating the devel-
opment of Belgian art since the beginning of the 19th cent, (comp.
pp. Ixxii seq.). — Catalogue (1908), 50.
Room I. To the right, 128. L, ge Winne, Leopold I.; 152, 153.
L. Gallait, Full-length portraits of King Leopold IL. and his queen
Maria Henrietta (1875); 223, 224. a Leys, Designs for the frescoes
in the Hétel de Ville at Antwerp (see p. 177). Busts of Leopold I.
and Maria Henrietta by Vingotte. — To the right is —
Room II. On the entrance-wall are works by the clagsicists :
above, 246. ZL. Mathieu, Deposition in the Tomb (4848); 264.
ue du Musée (p. 117). To |