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302 Route 37. ROTTERDAM. Practical Notes.
Westzeedyk (Pl. A, B, 5)-Vasteland (Pl. C, 4)-Beuwrsplein (P1. B, 3). 8
(red and ea "As in No. 7 to Delfshaven. then to the N. W. to sented aire
— 9 (red; wholly on the left bank). Wilhelmina-Kade (Pl. E, 6)- Maas-
haven-Viaskade. — 10 (green and white).. Ruigeplaatweg (beyond PI. A,
5)-Claes de Vrieselaan-Middelland-S'raat (Pl. A, 2)-Centraal-Station (Pl. B.
1)-Electrische Spoor Station (P!. D, 1)-Jacob Cats-Straat (bey -Pl.-D A)=
Boezem-Brug (bey. Pl. G, 4).
Horse Tramways. 1. From the Hofplein (P). C,D, 1) to Hillegersberg,
a pleasure-resort to the N. of Rotterdam. 2. From the Hofplein to Over-
schie on ane W. (hourly). — an Tramways. From Feyenoord (R 5 e-
straat; . G, 5): to Zwyndrecht (. 4-2 hrs.); to Stryen (11/2
to Zuid- Bes rland (p. 207; 13/,21/ oes to Goudswaard (2 brs ‘p.
nisse to Briel- Oodibnathe AU 310). or to Hellevoetsluis (p. 340); 4%/4-42/2 hr.
Steamboats (comp. iv and Van Santen’s Reisgi as.
Locat Steamers. To Dok drecht and Gorinchem, see p. 3 0 i i n
on the Lek (starting at the Osterkade; Pl. F, 3); ia (p 432) several
times daily; to Delft (starting at Schiekade, Pl 5 ( 1), see p. 311; or Briel
and Qosrvoorne, see p. 310; to Middelburg and Flushing (starting from Pl E,
B 3) see p. 20. — Rune Steamers to Cologne and Mannheim, see p.4
aily steamboat of each company (starting from PI. F, G, 4). —
sAMERS. To London and other BARE Ports, see p. To Antwery
p. 46. Also to Bergen every Wed. (Pl. B, 6); to Wew York (Holland- America
Line) every Sat. (Pl. D, 6); to Batavia “CRotter am Lloyd) every fortnight;
to Bastern Asia Ov. rth "German Lloyd), monthly.
Post and Telegraph Office (Pl. 34; E, 3), near the Exchange.
Booksellers. H. A. Kramers & Son, Geldersche Kade 26; W. J. van
Hengel. Hoogstraat 385; Bazendyk, Ze evisch- Markt 14; Terneden, "Van Hogen-
dorps Plein 4. — Art Exhibitions. Ro! terdamsche Kunstkring, W itte de With-
Straat 35 (10-4.30; 50c.); Rekkers, opposite the Exchange; W. Oldenzeel,
Glashaven 20 (10-4; 25c.).
Money Changers. Wissel en Effectenbank, Noordblaak 25; Marx & Co.,
Zuidblaak 56
Tourist Office. Informatie-Bureau, Spaansche Kade 3 (Pl. E, F, 3). —
American Express Co., Gedempte Glashaven 17.
Theatres. Gracte Schouwburg (Pl. 33; C, 2), at the corner of the Aert
van Nes-Straat and the Lynbaan-Straat, from Sept. to May, twice or thrice
a week; Tivoli-Schouwburg, Cool-Singe) 24 (Pl. C, 2), dramas, performances
twice or thrice a week. — Variety Theatres. Circus Variéié (Pl. B, 1),
Stations-Plein; Casino Variété, Cool-Singel.
Concerts in the Doele (P).8; C, D, 4) Haagsche Veer (in summer usu: uly
on Thurs., at 8 p.m.); in the Zoological Garden (p. 809), on Tues. and
Frid. in summer at 8 p.m.; in the Officieren-Societeit in the Park (p. 308),
on Sun. afternoons and evenings in summer, also on Wed. evenings (intro-
duction necessary).
British Consul, Henry Turing, Caland-Straat 24; vice-consul, R. C. Michell.
— American Consul- General, Soren Listoe; vice-consul, Edward P. Theobald.
— Lloyd's Agents, John Hudig ¢ Son, Willems-Plein 8
English Church (St. Mary's), at the E. end of the Haringvliet (Pl. 11,
G, 2; cmp. p. 304); service Be 11 a.m. (at 7 p.m. at the Seaman’s Institute,
Terweuakker); chaplain, Rev. H. H. Coryton. — Scottish Presbyterian
Church (Pl. 17; ©, 4), Wheterand 23 services at 10.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. ;
minister, Rev. J.T wine Brown, M. A., Avenue Concordia 116
Principal Attractions ({ day). Boymans Museum (p. 304); Walk through
the town and visit to the Docks and Harbour (p. 303); the Park (p. 308).
Rotterdam, with 420,200 inhab. (250/) Rom. Cath., 10,000 Jews,
20,000 Germans), including the suburbs of Del/shaven, Charlois,
Katendrecht, Feyenoord, and Kralingen, is situated in the province
of Zuid- -Holland, on both banks of the Meuse or Maas. It is the
largest town but one in the Netherlands and in transit-trade it is |