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272 Route 31. CHAUDFONTAINE. From Lidge
The country traversed by the line between Liége and the Prussian
frontier is remarkable for its picturesque scenery, busy manufactories,
and pretty country-houses, while the engineering skill displayed in the
construction of the line is another point of interest. The picturesque
stream which the line crosses so frequently is the Vesdre (Ger. Weser).
The rock penetrated by most of the tunnels is a bluish limestone, fre-
quently veined with quartz, and often used for building purposes. This
is the most beautiful part of the journey between England and Germany,
and should if possible be performed by daylight.
Besides the main line described below another line runs from LikGE
To VERVIERS-OvEST vIA Herve (25 M., in 43/, hr.). — From Qk M.) Chénée
(see below) the train ascends a steep gradient through the valley of the
Vesdre via (31/2 M.) Vauxr-sous-Chevremont and (ez M) “Bois de Breux (p. 2AT)
to (10 M.) Fléron (815 ft.). — 15 M. Herve (950 ft.; Hot. du Chemin-de-Fer
et Poisson-d*Or, R. 11/2, B. 3/4, D. 2 fr.) is known for its cheese. — From
(47 M.) Battice (4080 ft.) a braneh runs ay (13!/2 M.) Bleyberg (p. 274), via
(7 M.) Aubel and (10 M.) Hombowrg. ear (211/2 M.) Dison (640 ft.; H6t.
de Paris) the train traverses numerous Y aie) and tunnels. — 25 M. Fae tere:
Ouest, see p. 273.
Liége, see p. 245. The train starts from the Station des Guil-
lemins at Liége, crosses the handsome Pont du Val-Benoit (view of
Liége to the left) and the Meuse railway (p. 268), skirts the moun-
tain-spur of Kinkempois, with its chateau, and beyond Ca. M.)
Angleur (junction of the Ligne de l’Ourthe, for which see p. 258)
passes the zinc-foundry of Vieille Montagne (p. 274) and crosses
the Ourthe near its confluence with the Vesdre.
21/.M. Chénée (243 ft.; 9700 inhab.), at the mouth of the Vesdre,
is a busy manufacturing place with copper- foundries and glass-
works. — Branch-railway to Battice (see above); tramway to Liége
(see p. 247).
5 M. Chaudfontaine (265 ft. ; *@r.-Hét. des Bains, pens. 7-10 fr.;
H6t.-Restaurant du Pont, by the bridge; Hot. de la Rotonde ; carriages
and donkeys at the station), a straggling watering-place prettily
situated on the left bank of the Vesdre at the foot of a wooded
ridge, attracts numerous visitors from Liége, from which it is rear h-=
ed also by local trains starting from the Station de Longdoz (p. 249).
The thermal spring (97° Fahr.) is situated on an island in the river.
The station lies on the right bank. Straight in front (on the right,
the ‘Kursaal’) is a suspension-bridge leading to the Gr.-Hot. des
Bains. Farther on, to the left, is the main street, with the post-
office and the modern church on the right. From the post - office
a pleasant path (to the left after a few yds.) leads to the top of the
hill which rises above the village and commands a fine view of
Chaudfontaine ; after a walk of 25 min. we may descend to the right
to (10 min.) the Gr.-Hét. des Bains. — A pleasant walk (2 hrs.)
leads past Embourg, with a small fort belonging to the circum-
vallation of Liége (p. 248), and the park of the Villa Sainval or
Neef (no adm.), to Tilff, in the valley of the Ourthe (p. 248).
Beyond a tunnel we reach (7 M. ) Trooz (305 ft. ; Gr.-Hét. de la
Station). On the rocks to the right is perched its eerored old castle.
A picturesque route leads from Trooz via Prayon into the gorge of
the Soumagne, with its picturesque limestone cliffs, where the stream |