A458 Route 58. DORDRECHT. From Cologne (tight) the Triumph of the Church and the Eucharist, and (left) the Triumphal Entry of Charles V. (a reproduction of Diirer’s Triumphal Procession of Maximilian I.). Several of the ecclesiastical vessels date from the 48th century. The tower (365steps; adm. 10c.) com- mands an extensive view. The Gemeente-Archief (Pl. 2; C, 3), Groote Kerks Plein 4, is open on week-days, 9-1. The Wynstraat (p. 457) leads past the Scheffers-Plein, which is embellished by a bronze statue of the painter Ary Scheffer (1795- 1858), a native of Dordrecht, by Jos. Mezzara (1861). At the end of the Wynstraat, near the Hotel Belleyue, stands the — Groothoofds-Poort (Pl. 3; D, 4), an ancient city-gate, rebuilt in {618, with a fine relief by Amilius and Samuel Huppe and a dome of 1690. The interior is occupied by the collection of antiquities belonging to the Oud-Dordrecht Society; adm., daily, except Mon., 10-4 (in winter 10-3), 20 ¢., Sun. 10 c. or free. Catalogue (1905) 26 c. In the VeEsTIBULE are ‘gable-stones’, with reliefs and inscriptions ; No. 12 (dated 1617) shews Old London Bridge. 59. Chimney-piece of the 18th century. — On the Frest Froor are a few paintings: 893. P. Weyts, Synod of Dort (p. 457); 881. Siege of Dordrecht by John, Duke of Brabant, in 1448 (copy, 1620); 93. A. Cuyp, Two door-panels, painted in grisaille; 887. Doudyns, Burning of the Church of St. Nicholas at Dordrecht in 1567. Also, 60. Renaissance chimney-piece from the Kloveniers-Doelen, with carved wooden *Frieze (battle-scenes; 16th cent.); engravings; plans and views of the town; portraits of eminent men; and models of ships. The staircase descends to a room fitted up in the Dutch style of the 47th century. — On the Szconp Foor are models of ships, uniforms, weapons, flags. — In the Dome is a collection of medals (Nos. 1817 seq. referring to the death of the brothers De Witt, p. 329) and coins of the former county (afterwards province) of Holland, mostly coined at Dordrecht. Picturesque view of the busy Merwede and of the Meuse (‘De Noord’) flowing thence to the N. towards Rotterdam. Returning to the Wynstraat and turning to the left about the middle of the street, we cross the Wynbrug and follow the Nieuw- Straat to the Museum Straat, Here stands the Sourn Arrican Mussum (PI. 6, D, 2; Zuid- Afrikaanseh Museum), opened in 1902, containing numerous relics of the Boer War (1899-1902). Open daily, 10-4; adm. 20 c. GrounD Froor. Room I (to the left): Bust of President Kriiger (1825-1901), portraits of President Steyn and of Boer generals and delegates. — Room II. Objects made by Boer prisoners; clothes worn by President Kriiger; the ‘Bratina’, a gold loving-cup set with precious stones, made in Russia, — Room III. Complimentary gifts to the Boer leaders. Kriiger’s Bible and other personal relics, First Froor. Room I. Objects made by Boer prisoners. Room II (‘Ambulance Room’). Model of a field-hospital, etc. — Room JII (‘Boer Room’). Natural history collections, agricultural products, model of an ox-waggon, efe. — To the left, Room 1V (‘Onderwyszaal’). Statistical material relating to education, commerce, and manufactures; photographs of public buildings, etc. — To the right, Room V (‘Kaffir Room’). Ethno- graphical collections. Room VI (‘Press Room’). Newspapers, broadsides, caricatures, mays, war-literature, etc. —In the Court: Boer dwelling and a Kaffir kraal.