8. Analysis of the Annual Inconte and Expenditure The SPPS secrétariat has been granted $750,000 (approx.) per annum for three years. Approximately 40% will be devoted to national catalogue research and standardisation, 33% to éducation and training programmes, and the remainder will be spent on the utilisation of foreign data bases. 9. Section 2.10 : Cited influences on the establishment of the central STI bodies The establishment of the Belgian focus was proposed by the Belgian CNDST to the Belgian government. OECD, UNESCO and the représen- tations of Belgian professional organisations influenced its establishment. 10. Achievements of the national foei The SPPS secrétariat’s achievements are in planning and preparing the groundwork for the new STI arrangements in Belgium. Bibliotheekgids—Jg. 54 — Nr. 1 — 1978 / 67