22, Route. 233 15 M. Ottignies (215 ft.) is the point of intersection of the Lou- vain-Charleroi(R. 25) and Louvain-Manage-Mons(pp. 218, 247) lines. — 48M. Mont St. Guibert, with pretty environs. On the right is the chateau of Birbaix. At (20!/) M.) Chastre, where we intersect the steam-tramway from Tilly to Jodoigne (p. 237), the province of Brabant is quitted and that of Namur entered. 24M. Gembloux (505 ft.), junction for the lines to Fleurus and tamillies-Landen (p.238) and for a branch-line to Tamines (p. 221) via Onoz-Spy and Jemeppe-sur-Sambre; also of a light railway to bart, on the line from Jodoigne to Chastre (p. 244). An old yey here, founded in 922 by St. Wicbert or Guibert, contains the 1 institution of agriculture and forestry. 26 M. Lonsée; 2T!/o M. Beuset; 281/, M. St. Denis - Bovesse (steam-tramway ighezée, p.237). — 31 M. Rhisnes. About 11/)M. hence is the interesting chateau of Falise, on the left side of the picturesque Houyol valley. The train passes through several cuttings in the blue limestone rocks, and affords a striking view of — 35 M. Namur (see p. 221). Sart-Ris abt TOY The line now intersects the Forest of Ardennes, a wild, moun- tainous district, affording many picturesque views. Immediately after quitting Namur the train crosses the Meuse and commands 1other remarkably fine panorama of the town and its citadel. — 37 M. Jambes-Etat (comp. p. 225); 40 M. Naninne. From (441/5 M.) Courrizre a light railway runs via Ohey (7 M.; p. 271) to Huy (18M. ; p. 269). 46 M. Assesse. — 49 M. Natoye. On the road to Spontin (p. 225), 11/4 M. to the S.W., is the 16th cent. chateau of Mouffrin (restored); visitors are admitted to the park. The line runs hence to Ciney through the valley of the upper Bocg (comp. p. 225). 53M. Ciney (880 ft.; Hdtel du Commerce, R. 2, D. 2 fr.), the capital of the upper Condroz (Condrusi of the Romans), as the dis- trict between the Meuse and Ourthe was once called, now noted for its horse-breeding, boasts of a handsome new town-hall. From Ciney to Huy and Landen, see p. 238; to Yvoir, see p. 225. 2 55 M. Leignon (939 ft.). 5941/9 M. Haversin; 11/5 M. to the S.E. is the chateau of Serinchamps, formerly the property of the De la Marcks, now that of the Marquis of Senzeilles; 651/5 M. Aye. . M. Marloie, where the direct line to Lige (Ligne del’ Ourthe) s (p. 260). Light railways to (21/2 M.) Marche (p. 260) and (82 M.) Bastogne (p. 286). — The line now descends, and affords a beautiful view of the valley of the Wamme to the left. 70 M. Jemelle (605 ft.; Hot. du Luxembourg), the station for the Grottoes of Han-sur-Lesse (p. 234), with numerous marble and limestone quarries and lime-kilns, lies on the Wamme and the Lomme, a tributary of the Lesse (sce p. 230). Hence to Dinant, see R. 20. About 43/4 M. from Jemelle are the remains of a Roman villa (perhaps Masonacum).