Bijlage 1 : Brighton polytechnic School of Librarianship Catalogue use study. Physical form of catalogue This questionnaire forms part of a survey being carried out, in various régions, on behalf of the Library Association. We shall be grateful if you will spare a minute or two to help us by answering the interviewer’s questions. Form of catalogue 1. Are you satisfied with the form in which this library s catalogue is presented. (By form, we mean cards, book form, computer print out, microfilm, sheaf, i.e. paper sheets in binders, etc.). satisfied □ dissatisfied M cannot say *□ 2. Have you ever used a catalogue in a different physical form? yes d no d IF THE ANSWER IS NO, GO STRAIGHT TO Q.6. 3. If so, what other forms have a. card □ you used b. sheaf □ I c. computer print out Hl d. book form HH e. microfilm □ f. other — please specify . m 4. Which of these forms do you prefer? Specify by letter as in Q.3. If no preference, write ‘no preference’ alongside the box. □ 5. Which form do you think best from each of the following points of view. (Please use letters as overleaf or write n.p. if no clear preference) Convenience of handling □ Ease of finding desired item □ 148 / Bibliotheekgids — Jg. 53 —Nr. 2-3 — 1977